1756 January 17 (Saturday). Had an ill night of the last. Had little sleep; and very little Comfort or Refreshment when I did sleep. I was feverish, very faint and weak, as well as my Leg troublesome: my Hip also, although I hope the Rheumatism is stopped, yet continues very sore. Upon the Whole, am in deep Affliction — Yet may the Lord look upon me and graciously afford me some Relief! N.B. I Sent Thomas (on a Horse of one of the Nurse’s) with another Letter to Mr. Frink to get him to preach; he found him at Mr. Lorings (where he also dined) but neither of them could be perswaded to come and preach for me. Mr. Frink was hurt with his Fall from his Horse; and must be at Sudbury again on Monday, which in so extreme bad Travelling he could not return to if he came up: Mr. Loring was too old, and it was stormy, snowed and rained — so Thomas returned unsuccessfull. Dr. Brigham here and dressed my Leg. He thinks it in a good way, and that he shall cure it in a little Time; but I find it very smartfull, and difficult to endure. The Doctor also shav’d me, though I some what feared the Consequence being so weak and feverish. Poor Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlins Family in great Distress — all sick but himself.