1756 January 11 (Sunday). To my great Grief and Sorrow I was detained from the Public Worship. My Lameness and feebleness, the means of it, were Still so great I found I Should incur more Blame, and be in Danger of more Harm, than I might do Good, if I ventured out — for I put notes into my Bible, crawled down below; and was very desirous of going; but I got back again to my Chamber, and was Sensible by this Trial that the Advice of Friends about me had best be complyed with, which was unitedly, that it was not best to attempt it. I therefore resigned, and stayed at Home. May God Sanctifie this His holy Frown upon me! And pity me and Pardon me, for the Lord Jesus Christ sake! I Sent the People Mr. Cottons Way of Life. Lt. Tainter prayed and Deacon Bond read Sermon ii on Zech. 12.10 and concluded with prayer. Deacon Forb. dined here. P.M. Deacon Bond prayed and read Sermon iii on that Text and Lt. Tainter concluded. May God accept their Offerings and give a Blessing to His Word of Grace!
I am grieved also to hear that more of Mr. Chamberlins Family are taken Sick. And particularly Anna, who is very bad, and desires me to Visit her as soon as may be.