1756 January 1 (Thursday). What astonishing Patience and Longsuffering of God this is which endures me so ungrateful and unprofitable a Creature! O might I be made Sutably Sensible of it and of my infinite Obligations to Him herefor!
A.M. I walked to Lt. Forbush’s to talk with him about Mrs. Judith Bellows’s Sorrowful Case, he having gratifyed her by writing Something for her, to be laid before the Church; but which could have no tendency to reconcile the Church to her; as he himself was apprehensive — but he was not at home.
His Daughter in Law, Lucy, Seems to be in great Concern about the true State of her Soul — and is very Serious. May God enlighten, direct and Comfort her!
P.M. I walked to Deacon Forb. and attended the private meeting there: preached on Ps. 39.6, former clause. May God grant there may be lasting Impressions! I rode home one of their Horses. Called at Deacon Bonds, his son Jonathan being still in a weak Condition.