September 15, 1755

1755 September 15 (Monday).  Training Day — to See who would List, or if not Sufficient offers, then to press for Crown Point.  I din’d with the Officers at Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s.  N.B. Another Post from Albany who informs there was a Smart Engagement last Monday but that our people drove off the Enemy, took their General, and slew (as I think) 1000 of them besides, to the Loss of 130 (as judg’d) of our own; and Colonel Ephraim Williams,[1] Colonel Titcomb[2] of Newbury, among the last.  About 60 of ours wounded — and General Johnson[3] himself has a Ball lodg’d in his Thigh.  May God be glorify’d for what has been thus far done, and prepare us for further Favours!

[The following is from the Natalitia, dated Sept. 5, 1755.]

Scarce any one has ever had greater Cause to bless and praise God and yet what Heart so Stupidly Sensless and ungratefull!  and who that have Such Reason to grieve and mourn for Sin and wickedness, among all that profess to have any apprehensions of their Conditions, is So remote from this Duty!  (My Flight is only to Jesus who gives both Repentance to Israel and Remission of Sins!  O for the Spirit of Christ to qualifie me; and the Merits of Christ, His Righteousness, and his Sacrifice; for acceptance with God!  My infinite unworthiness does not drive me to Despair, while the Sacred Scriptures assure me that the Blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin; and He ever lives to make Intercession for His People — and among them are Some of the Chief of Sinners.)

[1]Of Stockbridge.

[2]Moses Titcomb had played an important role in the capture of Louisburg in 1745.  John J. Currier, “Ould Newbury” (Boston, 1896), pp. 464-473.

[3]Sir William Johnson, the superintendent of Indian affairs.  Johnson’s account of the campaign in New York appeared in The Boston Weekly News-Letter, Sept. 18, 1755.