June 8, 1752

1752 June 8 (Monday).  Was more comfortable through the Goodness of God.  Undertook my Journey Home.  Witt accompany’d me till one Mr. Walker of Brookfield first Parish met us, and then he was my Company to Mr. Eatons[1] of Leicester.  This Man was in much Spiritual Trouble, and wanted to open his Mind to me, and therefore devoted himself to wait upon me.  Wish I may have given him any Suitable Direction and Instruction and may God grant his Blessing!  N.B. Admonish’d George Harrington for his being in Drink, as we went up to Brookfield last Tuesday, and may God succeed it!  Very hot Day.  I could reach no further at noon than Mr. David Goddards, where I din’d.  At Worcester talk’d with Mr. Sergeant of Leicester joiner about making an handsome sett of Chest Drawers, for Molly.  At Mr. Maccartys and although the Ministers Meeting draws nigh yet I thought it not wise to stay, having been gone so long from home.  I rode as far as Mr. Cushings, and a Thunder storm with heavy rains coming up.  I lodg’d there.

[1]The Reverend James Eaton of Spencer.