June 1, 1752

752 May 31 (Sunday).  Was much indispos’d last night and to Day.  The Weather Cold and Rainy.  I notwithstanding went to Meeting both Parts of the Day.  A.M. read Deut. 12.  Gave some Observations.  Preach’d on the eighth Commandment from Eph. 4.28, first part.  P.M. read 2 Cor. 6, and although I had preparations for the p.m. sermon yet such person or persons as the Discourse would more immediately concern, being absent by the Rain I deferred it — and preach’d on 1 Cor. 15.22, latter part!  being sermon 6 from page 28 to 33.  N.B. Mr. Eli Forbush and Mrs. Hannah Fish dismiss’d.[1]

[1]“Parkman entered in the Westborough Church Records, May 31, 1752: “The Church was Stop’d and Voted Dismission of Mr. Eli Forbush to the work of founding and Settling a Church in the North East Part of Brookfield, or to the Church there, if there be one gather’d; in order to his being ordain’d the Pastor thereof.  And the dismission of Mrs. Hannah Fish (heretofore Hannah Forbush) to the Church in Upton.”

June 2, 1752

1752 June 2 (Tuesday).  Deacon Forbush and Lieutenant Tainter accompany’d me to Bezelleel Eagers, where we were join’d by Mr. Whipple, to go to Brookfield.  I was very weak and faint, but hop’d I Should be better by riding.  Mr. Martyn and his Delegates join’d us likewise.  We din’d at Sergennts at Leicester and got up to Captain Witts in Brookfield before Night.

June 3, 1752

1752 June 3 (Wednesday).  Mr. Eli Forbush’s Ordination.  A most important Day with one whom I am nearly concern’d for!  May God be almightily present with him, and his grace sufficient for him!  But it is a Comfort that there is no Objection likely to arise.  Captain Ayres[1] does not join, but he does not oppose.  We did not form into a Council till it was late in the Day, because the pastors and Deligates of Several Churches did not come Seasonably: and when they came, Several Pastors were unwilling to perform any of the public Service.  Mr. Forbush gave the Council to their universal Satisfaction an Account of his Principles; and his Views in undertaking the Ministry.  N.B. The Confession of his Faith, contain’d an humble Declaration of his own Hope: and it was to acceptance.  N.B. When Mr. Forbush’s Call was read, the Church declar’d that the meaning of those Words “While he shall continue in the Work of the Ministry” did mean, as long as he had the pastoral Care of them, and not merely as long as he was able to preach.  In public Mr. Jones[2] of Western began with Prayer.  Mr. Martyn preach’d in my stead; his Text [blank].  I gave the Assembly an Account of our Proceedings in Enquiring into the Qualifications of the Candidate, and the regular steps which the people had taken in ripening Matters thus far.  To satisfie them all likewise we went over them again, from each party transacting.  I gave the Charge.  This was the first Time I ever perform’d this Service: and did it Memoriter.  Mr. White[3] of Hardwick pray’d after the Charge.  Sung last part of Ps. 118.  I hear there was much order and Decency among the people afterwards.  May God accept our Offerrings, and may the Ordain’d especially have Grace to keep the Solemn Charge!  Nor may any of us ever forget these solemn actions!  Through Gods great Goodness, my feeble Body was sustain’d and carry’d through in a measure of Comfort.  So that my Evening was pleasant.  N.B. Mr. Breck[4] of Springfield — Mr. Pynchon[5] of Brookfield there.

[1]William Ayers or Ayres of Brookfield.

[2]Isaac Jones (Yale 1742), the minister of Western (now Warren) Mass., 1744-1784.  Dexter, Biographical Sketches, p. 715.

[3]David White (Yale 1730), the minister of Hardwick, Mass., 1736-1784.  Dexter, Biographical Sketches, pp. 419-420.

[4]The Reverend Robert Breck, Jr., of Springfield.

[5]Joseph Pynchon of Brookfield.

June 4, 1752

1752 June 4 (Thursday).  I rode over to Brookfield Town when the Company was gone with Deacon Forbush to visit Lieutenant Aaron Forbush under his terrible Cancer.  [N.B. We call’d in to see Captain Ayres.]  The sore which Lieutenent is distress’d by has altered him extremely — but he is much Supported.  I lodg’d at Dr. Pynchons,[1] but the Doctor not yet return’d from Court.

[1]Dr. Joseph Pynchon (Harvard 1726), the physician of Springfield and justice of the Hampshire County Court of Common Pleas.  Sibley, VIII, 90-92.

June 5, 1752

1752 June 5 (Friday).  I preach’d to Lieutenant Forbush on Mat. 24.44, which may God please to Bless to us all!  N.B. I din’d with Mr. Harding[1] at Captain Buckminsters[2] — return’d at Evening with Captain Witt and his wife to their House and lodged there.

[1]Elisha Harding (Harvard 1745), the minister of the First Congregational Church of Brookfield, 1749-1755.  Sibley, XI, 561-562.

[2]Thomas Buckminster of Brookfield.

June 8, 1752

1752 June 8 (Monday).  Was more comfortable through the Goodness of God.  Undertook my Journey Home.  Witt accompany’d me till one Mr. Walker of Brookfield first Parish met us, and then he was my Company to Mr. Eatons[1] of Leicester.  This Man was in much Spiritual Trouble, and wanted to open his Mind to me, and therefore devoted himself to wait upon me.  Wish I may have given him any Suitable Direction and Instruction and may God grant his Blessing!  N.B. Admonish’d George Harrington for his being in Drink, as we went up to Brookfield last Tuesday, and may God succeed it!  Very hot Day.  I could reach no further at noon than Mr. David Goddards, where I din’d.  At Worcester talk’d with Mr. Sergeant of Leicester joiner about making an handsome sett of Chest Drawers, for Molly.  At Mr. Maccartys and although the Ministers Meeting draws nigh yet I thought it not wise to stay, having been gone so long from home.  I rode as far as Mr. Cushings, and a Thunder storm with heavy rains coming up.  I lodg’d there.

[1]The Reverend James Eaton of Spencer.

June 9, 1752

1752 June 9 (Tuesday).  Return’d home in the Morning.  Found (through God’s Goodness) my Tabernacle in peace.  Mr. Forbush preach’d for me last Lords Day, and baptiz’d Two Children.  The first was Eli, the other Mindwell.[1]  I am inform’d that last Friday, 17 Hands came a.m. and wed my Corn.  They were those following — Mr. David Maynard and 2 sons, Mr. Eliezer Rice and his son — Messrs. Nathan Maynard and Hezekiah Pratt.  Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlin and son — Mr. Joseph Woods and Son.  Mr. Joslins Boy — Lieutenant Tainter and Grandson — Mr. Harringtons 2 sons — and a Son of Ensign Miller.

[1]Eli was the son of Jonas Brigham; Mindwell was the daughter of Samuel Forbush of Upton.  Westborough Church Records, June 6, 1752.

June 14, 1752

1752 June 14 (Sunday).  A.M. but feeble and weak.  Yet went to meeting and perform’d the Services both a. and p.m.  Nay, in the forenoon went through a double Service, for I not only deliver’d the sermon which I prepar’d for last Lords Day p.m., but added as much more; and it being upon Usury (Text Eph. 4.28) I exerted myself to the utmost, and deliver’d both at once.  Read Deut. 13.  P.M. I deliver’d a sermon on James 1 (which I made and deliver’d before I was ordain’d, viz. September 1724) but with many alterations as indeed were very necessary.  N.B. read 2 Cor. 7.  Was exceedingly worry’d and fatigu’d; with my forenoon sermon especially.  Poor Night.

June 15, 1752

1752 June 15 (Monday).  Mr. Stone[1] and his Delegates going to a Council at Woodstock.  Mr. Phinehas Hardy 300 Boards.  This Morning early Mrs. Newton takes Mrs. Molly Johnson to her House.  I Din’d at t’other House.  Sister Lydia lives almost wholly over there.  Ebenezer has met with several Checks upon the Field of Indian Corn on the south side of the Road.  The piggs rooted it up a while ago so that he was forc’d to plant the chief of it over again: and now as soon as it is come up again a Flock of Sheep has broke in upon it and crop’d it down.  P.M. Billy in the Rain went as far as to Mr. Seth Hudson[2] for Tobacco Plants.

[1]Nathan Stone of Southborough.

[2]Of Marlborough.  Hudson served as a lieutenant in the militia and at one time commanded Fort Massachusetts.  Hudson, Marlborough, p. 399.

June 17, 1752

1752 June 17 (Wednesday).  Doubtful what the weather might prove, yet (late in the morning) came Mr. Jonah Warrin, Daniel Adams, Batherick and Claffland to covering my Barn.  I rode over to Mr. Martyns and din’d there.  Preach’d his Lecture on Rev. 22.16.  Return’d home at Eve.  May God follow the weak endeavours of the Day with his Special Blessing.  May my own Soul have the Light and Comfort of that glorious Morning Star.

June 24, 1752

1752 June 24 (Wednesday).  Lieutenant Tainter came and brought an Horse, plough and Lad to plough my Island.  Mr. Williams also plough’d, Ebenezer Rice junior led, and Eleven Hands hold — viz. Messrs. Grow, Harrington, Jonathan Forbush and Daniel Grout, Joseph Baker, William Stone, James Bowman, Jonathan and Thomas Bond, Abner Warrin came and half hill’d my Corn at the Island; and they finish’d by half after 9 a.m.  P.M. came Jeduthun Baldwin.  Took up both my notes with him, by giving him one that is of 60£ old Tenor.  P.M. Rain.

June 26, 1752

1752 June 26 (Friday).  Lieutenant Bruce here, about the Land at the Island.  The Reverend Mr. Hall of Sutton and young Master Minot here.  Mr. Phinehas Rice (of Grafton) from Boston brings me Dr. Nathaniel Williams late of Boston, his Method of Practice in the Small Pox.[1]

[1]The Method of Practice in the Small-Pox, with Observations on the Way of Inoculation (Boston, 1752).

June 28, 1752

1752 June 28 (Sunday).  Through my Indispositions and Infirmitys of Body, and the many Cares and Troubles which perplex my mind, I prepar’d for only a.m.  This was, once more on Eph. 4.28.  N.B. read Deut. 15.  P.M. read 2 Cor. 9.  Repeated much of Sermon 1 Cor. 15.22, from page 33 to the bottom of page 38, from John 10.10, latter part.  It was a Time of very great Rain, Thunder and Lightning.  N.B. Sister did not come from t’other House.

June 30, 1752

1752 June 30 (Tuesday).  Fair, hot — N.B. Billy assisted a Drover (one Boardman of Exeter) with a Flock of Sheep and went so far with him as put us in great Consternation.  I visited old Mrs. Dorcas Forbush and borrow’d Lieutenant’s Horse to ride after Billy.  Went as far as Mr. Elisha Wards and found him there.  He had been as far as Mr. Jonathan Strattons.  In returning we din’d at Lieutenant Bruce’s.  I sent Billy to the other House to help his Brother this Afternoon.