1751 April 28 (Sunday). I have prepared about 16 pages (6 or 7 is an ordinary Exercise) on the third Article of the people’s Duty to their Ministers, Viz. an Honorable Maintenance. My heart has labour’d very much about delivering it — I much reluct at it — am asham’d I have So much fear of displeasing the people. But being Sensible it is my Duty to preach on this Subject, have begg’d of God to direct me how I shall conduct my self in this matter — and that I might deliver no Line but what is His. I endeavor to divest myself of my own Concern in it as much as I can, that I may deal impartially — Have conceiv’d it would be best to deliver but one Exercise upon this Head, though I have much more prepar’d. Accordingly committing myself and my work to God, I went to meeting. Read and gave some Expository Observations on Lev. 25, and then preach’d on 1 Cor. 4.1. Deliver’d some passages concerning the Duty of Obedience to Ministers from Sermon on Heb. 13.17, but only glancingly — and proceeded to treat of maintenance — but could not deliver all that I had prepar’d, by 4 pages — or more. Din’d as usual. P.M. read Acts 16. Repeated Sermon on Tit. 2.12, page 111 to 121, from Acts 5.20. Baptiz’d Mrs. Abigail Gale.[1]
[1]The wife of Abijah Gale of Westborough.