1751 March 28 (Thursday). The Town very much alive with people who throng into it to put off or Change their Province Bills. I attended the Public Lecture. Mr. Cooper[1] preach’d on Luke 18 chapter, 9 to 14. The Pharisee and Publican. Din’d at Dr. Chauncy’s,[2] where also din’d Judge Sewall,[3] Mr. Cook[4] of Sudbury and Mr. Peabody[5] of Roxbury. Visited Mrs. Oliver and Captain Devenport Walker. Was at Mr. Foxcrofts etc. Lodg’d at Cousen Cowells.
[1]Samuel Cooper of the Brattle Street Church.
[2]The Reverend Charles Chauncy of the First Church of Boston.
[3]Justice Stephen Sewall of the Superior Court of Judicature.
[4]The Reverend William Cooke of Wayland.
[5]The Reverend Oliver Peabody (Harvard 1745), minister of the First Congregational Church in Roxbury, 1750-1752. Sibley, XI, 563-564.