1751 March 13 (Wednesday). From Mr. Goddards to Mr. David Baldwins. Bargain’d with him to make my Window Frames and Sashes, 13 of the former and 15 of the Latter, 24 Squares in Each Window 7 by 9 Dimensions of Glass and to lodge ‘em Safe at Captain Maynards at Westborough, not exceeding the first week of June, for 48£ old Tenor Money, and 4 inner Doors, double rais’d pannells at the price which Mr. Goodwin Housewright in Worcester shall sett. Return’d to Worcester — din’d near 5 o’clock at Mr. Maccartys. Horse kept at Captain Daniel Wards. Mr. Maccarty and I walk’d to Colonel Chandlers but he was not at Home. Spent the Eve with his Lady. Lodg’d at Mr. Maccartys. N.B. was in great Grief and Trouble by means of the bitter Lamentations and Complaints about Dr. Breck. N.B. News that Colonel Samuel Willard[1] of Lancaster was struck last night with the Numb. Palsey.
[1]Willard was a leading citizen, a justice of the peace, and judge of the Worcester County Court of Common Pleas, and Lancaster’s representative for many years.