March 1, 1751

1751 March 1 (Friday).  Cold Day.  Mr. Fish left us to go to Upton.  Samuel Bumpso came hither in order to his and Ebenezer’s going to Sam’s Swamp to get a Stick of White Pine to make Two Troughs for my new House.  They both went but did not Succeed in Sam’s Swamp; but obtain’d Two in Mr. Bradish’s,[1] which they cutt down and partly hew’d one of them.  [Two words crossed out] by the help of Mr. Daniel Warrin to hew for them.  At Eve Lieutenant Bruce came here and I gave him a note to Lieutenant Tainter for 72£ 10/ old Tenor, which with 27£ 10/ of the like Tenor paid some Time agoe makes 100£ old Tenor in part for Cook Island, which he promises to give me a Deed of upon Demand.

[1]James Bradish.

March 3, 1751

1751 March 3 (Sunday).  Read Levit. 19.  Preach’d on Rev. 1.8.  Administer’d the Lords Supper.  My wife (being ask’d by Esquire Baker) din’d with us — Mr. Williams also invited both of us to dine at their House.  Molly din’d at Deacon Newtons.  Some of the Hopkinton people here at meeting, Mr. Barrett not being well yet.  P.M. read Acts 10.  Repeated sermon on 1 John 3.3.

March 5, 1751

1751 March 5 (Tuesday).  The Storm yet more tedious, Snowing, blowing and Cold, all Day and Night.  I was chiefly engag’d in reading Expositors and other writers on my design’d Text and Subject — a faithfull minister.  Read especially Davenant on the Colossians.[1]  I bless God my own Soul not altogether unaffected!  Find I have great Reason for Deep Humilliation for my unqualifydness and great unfaithfullness — the Lord pardon me, through the Great Saviour!  N.B. I had appointed a Catechizing at the Meeting House to Day, but the Storm prevented going out.

[1]John Davenant, Expositio Epistolae D. Pauli and Colossenses (Cantab., 1627).  Two other Latin editions were published in 1630 and 1639.

March 6, 1751

1751 March 6 (Wednesday).  Stormy morning — but the wish’d for Sun appear’d before Noon.  The Snow is deep, and the air very Cold.  Read Gilbert West Esquire on the Resurrection of Christ.  (It is Mr. Martyns[1] and I would fain return it tomorrow.)  Ebenezer takes Care of the Cattle, gets wood, and is busy’d about various Choars.  Thomas makes Whipps but can’t get Deer’s Hair for Saddles.

[1]The Reverend John Martyn of the north parish.

March 12, 1751

1751 March 12 (Tuesday).  After Dinner I undertook a Journey to Leicester — call’d at Mr. Maccartys,[1] met Mr. Lull in Shrewsbury with a Drove of Hoggs, reach’d Mr. Goddards[2] and lodg’d there.  The Roads very bad, I was so late as to ride great part of the Roade from Worcester to Leicester in the Dark and Mudd.

[1]The Reverend Thaddeus Maccarty of Worcester.

[2]The Reverend David Goddard of Leicester.

March 13, 1751

1751 March 13 (Wednesday).  From Mr. Goddards to Mr. David Baldwins.  Bargain’d with him to make my Window Frames and Sashes, 13 of the former and 15 of the Latter, 24 Squares in Each Window 7 by 9 Dimensions of Glass and to lodge ‘em Safe at Captain Maynards at Westborough, not exceeding the first week of June, for 48£ old Tenor Money, and 4 inner Doors, double rais’d pannells at the price which Mr. Goodwin Housewright in Worcester shall sett.  Return’d to Worcester — din’d near 5 o’clock at Mr. Maccartys.  Horse kept at Captain Daniel Wards.  Mr. Maccarty and I walk’d to Colonel Chandlers but he was not at Home.  Spent the Eve with his Lady.  Lodg’d at Mr. Maccartys.  N.B. was in great Grief and Trouble by means of the bitter Lamentations and Complaints about Dr. Breck.  N.B. News that Colonel Samuel Willard[1] of Lancaster was struck last night with the Numb. Palsey.

[1]Willard was a leading citizen, a justice of the peace, and judge of the Worcester County Court of Common Pleas, and Lancaster’s representative for many years.

March 14, 1751

1751 March 14 (Thursday).  Was with Mr. Putnam[1] (as I was yesterday with Mr. Doolittle,[2] and Mr. Waters[3]) on the Affair of Dr. Breck.  N.B. in my returning home, had Discourse with Mr. David Crosby[4] about his son and Daughter Cook,[5] who are under the Frowns of our Church.  Have heard to Day and yesterday of Several sudden Deaths — but when I got home (instead of finding Mr. Martyn and his wife, to dine with me, as I expected) found Forbush[6] from College there, who came up with Tidings of Asaph Rice’s[7] illness at College.  But especially — O Especially!  with the heavy and grievous Accounts of the Death of my Dear Kinsman, and rather Brother or Son than Nephew Elias Parkman who was taken ill Friday night was sennight of a Pleurisie, Soon grew delirious — continued all Wednesday after and expir’d — was interr’d the next Saturday.  May I be suitably affected with this Holy Dispensation — remember and prepare for my own Decease!  May God remember dear Nabby, and her Maker be her Husband!  and with him may the dear Orphans find Mercy!

[1]James Putnam, the lawyer of Worcester.

[2]Ephraim Doolittle of Worcester.

[3]John Waters of Worcester.

[4]Samuel Crosby of Shrewsbury.  Ward, Shrewsbury, p. 255.

[5]Sarah Crosby married Robert Cook of Westborough.  Their conduct was a concern of the Westborough church for many months.

[6]Eli Forbush, who was keeping school in Westborough.

[7](Harvard 1752).  Rice practiced medicine for a time in Brookfield and later served as the minister of the First Congregational Church of Westminster, Mass., 1765-1815.

March 18, 1751

1751 March 18 (Monday).  Mr. Martyn and I chang’d Watches, mine being so much worn and having prov’d very expensive to me to keep it in repair; and he also having lately bought Lieutenant Ephraim Brighams — but I Suppose he can sell mine, but his watch being by him valued at 10£ more than mine, and the Chain 40/ I gave him Bishop Hopkins’ works,[1] Kennets Roman Antiquities;[2] and lively Oracles by the Author of the Whole Duty of Man.[3]  P.M. Mrs. Newton, widow here.  Mr. Abijah Gale and wife here.  She was Examin’d.

[1]Ezekiel Hopkins, D.D. (1634-1690), Bishop of Raphoe and Derry, was the author of numerous books.  Posthumously, there was published The Works of. . . Ezekiel Hopkins ... Collected into One Volume (London, 1701).  Two other English editions appeared by 1710.

[2]Basil Kennet, Romanae Antiquae Notitia; or the Antiquities of Rome (London, 1696).  At least 11 English editions had been published by 1746.

[3][Richard Allestree], Whole Duty of Man (London, [1658]).  Many other editions followed.  The Lively Oracles Given to Us (Oxford, 1658) was also published anonymously and in several editions.

March 24, 1751

1751 March 24 (Sunday).  Read Levit. 21, omitting number 18, 19, 20, but gave a general account of what they contain’d — preach’d a. and p.m. on 1 Chron. 29.15 on occasion of the Death of my dear Kinsman Dr. Elias Parkman[1] of Boston.  May God bless these meditations to me for my highest Profit!  Din’d at Esquires.  P.M. read Acts 12.

[1]Parkman’s nephew.

March 26, 1751

1751 March 26 (Tuesday).  Prosecuted my Journey — aiming to go to Mr. John Child’s, Glazier at Roxbury.  N.B. one Cook of Needham or Dedham piloted me, to his Grandfathers Captain Robert Cook in Needham — to Mr. Stephen Winchester in Newton bad with a Cancer — and to Mrs. Hastings’s who formerly carry’d me up to Newtown in her Lap — N.B. her mother Davis alive — accounted 116 last October.  There was a Mr. Childs at Madam Dudley’s — put up my Horse at Cousen Cowels — visited my Kinsmans Widow — Roxbury, her Negro man dy’d to Day — little Elias very ill of a Fever.  Lodg’d at Brother Samuels.

March 28, 1751

1751 March 28 (Thursday).  The Town very much alive with people who throng into it to put off or Change their Province Bills.  I attended the Public Lecture.  Mr. Cooper[1] preach’d on Luke 18 chapter, 9 to 14.  The Pharisee and Publican.  Din’d at Dr. Chauncy’s,[2] where also din’d Judge Sewall,[3] Mr. Cook[4] of Sudbury and Mr. Peabody[5] of Roxbury.  Visited Mrs. Oliver and Captain Devenport Walker.  Was at Mr. Foxcrofts etc.  Lodg’d at Cousen Cowells.

[1]Samuel Cooper of the Brattle Street Church.

[2]The Reverend Charles Chauncy of the First Church of Boston.

[3]Justice Stephen Sewall of the Superior Court of Judicature.

[4]The Reverend William Cooke of Wayland.

[5]The Reverend Oliver Peabody (Harvard 1745), minister of the First Congregational Church in Roxbury, 1750-1752.  Sibley, XI, 563-564.

March 29, 1751

1751 March 29 (Friday).  A.M. at Mr. Eliots[1] — Mr. Welsteeds[2] — Mr. Clark[3] of Salem Village came there.  Settled my Account with Brother Samuel and paid what appear’d to be the Ballance.  Lodg’d at Brother Samuels.  My Horse kept at My Kinsman Cowels till this Night; when he was kept at Mr. Stoddards.  Visited Mr. Jeremiah Condy.

[1]The Reverend Andrew Eliot of the New North Church.

[2]The Reverend William Welsteed of the New Brick Church in Boston.

[3]The Reverend Peter Clark, the minister of Danvers.

March 30, 1751

1751 March 30 (Saturday).  Sett out from Boston after Noon about 10 minutes, — rain’d somewhat while I pass’ed through Watertown — got to Mr. Nathaniel Williams at Weston by half after Two.  Got to Mr. Bridge’s[1] in Season to have come home, but he was desirous we should change: at least he would go to Southborough, and Mr. Stone (having been Spoke to already to do it in Case I should need) to come to Westborough.  So that I tarried at Framingham.

[1]The Reverend Matthew Bridges of Framingham.

March 31, 1751

1751 March 31 (Sunday).  Preach’d at Framingham a.m. on Prov. 14.9.  P.M. on John 12.26.  Exceeding Cold Wind.  Mr. Samuel Haven din’d and lodg’d with me.  Ensign Stone and Mr. Farrar[1] came to see me at Eve.  Mr. Bridge, who came to Westborough did not return home till after I was in Bed.  N.B. Mrs. Bridge’s fall from the Horse Block, by reason of the Wind.

[1]John Farrar, a prominent citizen of Framingham.