February 18, 1750

1750 February 18 (Sunday).  Joshua Winchester having watch’d acquaints us that Ebenezer though very bad in the fore part of the Night, yet slept considerably well the latter, and Seems better this morning.  The Glory be to God, who seems to appear for his Help.  Dr. Gott came before Meeting.  Says he sees no Dangerous Symptoms but hopes there is an imperfect Crisis: only he does not know what to say of his Spitting bloody matter.  I went to Meeting — read Exod. 15 and gave some Exposition.  Preach’d on Numb. 23.10.  Rode home at noon.  Martha Pannell din’d at Captain Bakers but the rest of my Family at Home.  Ebenezer’s Fit does not come on as fear’d.  P.M. Read Luke 17.  Said a few Things Extemporaneously on it.  Preach’d on Heb. 4.7, improving Some part of Sermon on John 6.12, Scil. from page 6 to 18.  At Eve Forbush, but return’d (to his uncle Holloways).