February 1, 1750

1750 February 1 (Thursday).  Foul Weather, but I went to the Public Lecture Mr. Checkley of the old North preach’d on Ps.  May God forgive my wanderings and bless it to my souls profit!  Din’d at Brother Samuels.  P.M. I visited the Honourable Thomas Hubbard.[1]  Mr. Eliot there.  Mr. Hubbard (I think) had been himself at the Funeral of our dear Friend and Class-mate Mr. Taylor of Milton, Yesterday, whose Death is much lamented.  I heard of the Funeral seasonably but could not attend it, having the like work to do, where I was yet more nearly concern’d.  May all have a proper Effect upon my poor insensible Heart!  Visited Dr. Sewall[2] and Mr. Prince.[3]  When I return’d at Evening to my Brother Samuels Mr. Cook of Westborough had been there with my Horse, and a Letter from my dear Spouse at Home, which inform’d of my son Thomas ill at Concord.  My Horse was kept at Mr. Thomas Stoddards Stable; but Mr. Cook brought both Hay and Provinder for him.  I lodg’d at Brother Samuels.

[1](Harvard 1721).  Hubbard, one of Parkman’s classmates, was treasurer of Harvard College, Justice of the Peace, and Commissary General of Mass.  Sibley, VI, 490-495.

[2]The Reverend Joseph Sewall of the Old South Church.

[3]The Reverend Thomas Prince of the Old South Church.

February 2, 1750

1750 February 2 (Friday).  Undertook my Journey from Boston about 10 a.m.  Din’d at Brother Champney’s at Cambridge.  Call’d at Mr. Stephen Prentice’s[1] who was confin’d to his Chamber; and at Mr. Hancocks[2] at Lexington, but he was not at home.  The old Lady receiv’d and entertain’d me kindly.  At Concord at the first of Evening.  My son had been much indispos’d, and weaken’d by Vomiting, bleeding at the Nose, and purging — but was Somewhat better, through Gods Goodness.  Mr. Minot[3] at Mr. Goolds.  Visited the Colonel.  Lodg’d at Mr. Bliss’s[4] who also kept my Horse.

[1]A former selectman of Cambridge. Paige, Cambridge, p. 630.

[2]The Reverend John Hancock.

[3]Timothy Minot (Harvard 1747) was keeping school in Concord. He became a well known physician there.  Sibley, XII, 194-195.

[4]The Reverend Daniel Bliss of Concord.

February 4, 1750

1750 February 4 (Sunday).  Read Exod. 14.21 to the End.  Preach’d a.m. and p.m. on Tit. 2.13.  N.B. was mov’d exceedingly p.m.  May God grant it may be abiding on my own Spirits, and have a Suitable influence upon all the Audience!  P.M. read Luke 15.  My wife and I din’d at Justice Bakers — Molly at Lieutenant Tainters, William at Mr. Williams’s.  Ebenezer and Martha Pannell came home.  At Eve, Master Manning at Supper, and into the Evening.  Snow Storm in the Night or

February 5, 1750

1750 February 5 (Monday).  Morning.  Ebenezer return’d my Horse to Mr. Jonathan Fays to be kept there again.  Mr. Whitney came to discourse with me about the precinct Affair.  N.B. they adjourn’d their late meeting to February 13 as I am inform’d.  Mr. Whitney seems much dispos’d for Peace, while others, it seems, are in Ruffle especially Some in the South East Corner.  The Weather clears up very Cold, and it grows a distressing Time among people, respecting their Cattle; Hay being So very Short, there is reason for much Concern, — but must Confide in God.

February 9, 1750

1750 February 9 (Friday).  Lieutenant Tainter here to acquaint me that the Precinct had adjourn’d their late meeting to Tuesday the 13th of the Month.  He beseeches me to remember the old Mens Council to Rehoboam, and Speak kindly to this people etc.  At Eve Colonel Ward here, for whom I had transcrib’d the papers of the late Council at Shrewsbury, for which he oblig’d me to take a 20/ Bill, though I once and again refus’d to receive any Thing.  N.B. I received a Letter from Mr. Stone of Southborough giving me his advice about the 500£ vote of this precinct, and what I had best intimate to them.

February 11, 1750

1750 February 11 (Sunday).  Read Exod. 15, beginning, but not having as yet given the Exposition of the Close of Chapter 14, which exhibits the Ground and Occasion of that famous song, I made that the Exercise for the Forenoon instead of a Sermon.  My wife and I din’d at Justice Bakers.  P.M. read Luke 16.  Preach’d on Numb. 23.10.  Occasion’d by the Death both of my dear Sister Willard and old Mr. Thomas Knowlton a very godly and worthy man, whose Decease, though he was very aged and infirm is greatly to be lamented; and we have much reason to wish our Death and last End might be like his.  My son Thomas at meeting p.m.

February 13, 1750

1750 February 13 (Tuesday).  Ebenezer So ill that I sent for Mr. Stephen Maynard to go for Dr. Gott,[1] who accordingly went for him.  While my Neighbour was gone the Pain in Ebenezers Side was very extreme.  The Doctor himself came not, but his young man Frink,[2] who blooded my Son.  He was Somewhat easier and I walk’d over to the Meeting about my Affairs.  The Moderator Sent for me desiring that I would go in to the Meeting.  I went in accordingly.  Utter’d my Mind to the precinct by word of Mouth: the Substance of what was Said I have writ out.  Retir’d to Mr. Abner Newtons.  A Committee came to me there, viz. Messrs. Phinehas Hardy, Eliezer Rice, and Jonas Brigham; their Errand was to know whether I had ever accepted the Precincts Votes of February 5 and 8, 1744/5?  I Sent word “that I always look’d upon myself as having accepted them.”  This I wrote and Sent by them, and added by word of mouth (which I desir’d ‘em to take notice of) that the particular manner in which I accepted, has been exhibited partly in my paper of February 8, 1744/5 (which the precinct had and read that Day) and partly in a paper which was my design’d, and full answer, which always lay ready for them.

[1]Benjamin Gott, the physician of Marlborough.

[2]John Frink, the son of the Reverend Thomas Frink of Rutland, Mass., did not have a college education, but he later practiced “physic” in Rutland.  Reed, Rutland, pp. 98-99.

February 15, 1750

1750 February 15 (Thursday).  We watch with Ebenezer ourselves; One setting up the fore-part, another the latter part of the Night.  In the Morning he Seem’d to be Somewhat Comfortable, but it was not long before he grew worse.  Neighbour Eliezer Rice came kindly to see us: went home and return’d again to cutt Loggs at the Door.  But Ebenezer grew so bad, and at Times Somewhat Delirious that I Sent Mr. Rice to Dr. Gott; who came up with him p.m.  My son is much distress’d about the State of his Soul.  At his Special Request I pray’d with him.  N.B. Mr. Pratt kindly Sent Cornelius Cook to cutt wood at the Door.  At Eve Deacon Newton, Lieutenant Tainter, and Mr. Francis Whipple came as a Committee (they were the Majority thereof, Captain Baker and Lieutenant Thomas Forbush being the other two that came not) to inform me of Two Things from the Precinct, one which had pass’d into a Certainty: if I would accept of it: namely that this Precinct had voted that the grant of 500£ old Tenor made in the Year 1744/5 Should be put into a Rate, to be gather’d and paid me.  The other Thing was not Voted, but much talk’d of, and they (the Committee) were desir’d by a great many to propose it to me, namely, whether I would rather choose to tarry where I am, if the precinct will give me an hundred pounds old Tenor per Annum more of Sallery?  N.B. They acquainted me that what was voted, as above, was with freeness and Love.  I desir’d Time to consider of what they had said.  They each of them for their own particular parts gave me their Advice that I would take up with it cheerfully for they had reason to hope that many people would fall in and generously assist.  N.B. Martha Pannells Brother Moses Pannell and her Cousen Abraham Black here to see Martha, but by reason of the Trouble in my House they lodg’d at Captain Maynards.  I Sat up till between 2 and 3 o’Clock with Ebenezer who is very ill.

February 16, 1750

1750 February 16 (Friday).  Sent for the Two Young Men aforesaid who were at Breakfast with me.  Very Cold Day, yet Neighbour Jonathan Rogers is moving his wife and Children to Day, up to Mr. Lulls at Ware River.  Ebenezer very ill yet.  Thomas, through divine Goodness, able to tend the Cattle, But is not free of pain and Indisposition.  At Eve came Forbush and afterwards Benjamin Tainter,[1] and they by turns watch’d with Ebenezer.  The Weather very Extreme.

[1]The son of Deacon Simon Tainter.

February 17, 1750

1750 February 17 (Saturday).  Ebenezer more Shatter’d and delirious when he wakes up; his Fever somewhat off in the morning but returns very Strong at about 10 a.m. as it did also yesterday.  The morning exceeding Cold, So that the Doctor did not come: Sent Master Frink who tells me the Doctor judges it will go hard with my son.  The Troubles of my Heart are greatly enlarg’d: O that God would bring me out of my Distresses!  My Neighbours kind and ready to assist us.  Neighbour Eliezer Williams came p.m. to help us about wood, as Benjamin Tainter assisted a.m.  Joshua Winchester came at Night.

February 18, 1750

1750 February 18 (Sunday).  Joshua Winchester having watch’d acquaints us that Ebenezer though very bad in the fore part of the Night, yet slept considerably well the latter, and Seems better this morning.  The Glory be to God, who seems to appear for his Help.  Dr. Gott came before Meeting.  Says he sees no Dangerous Symptoms but hopes there is an imperfect Crisis: only he does not know what to say of his Spitting bloody matter.  I went to Meeting — read Exod. 15 and gave some Exposition.  Preach’d on Numb. 23.10.  Rode home at noon.  Martha Pannell din’d at Captain Bakers but the rest of my Family at Home.  Ebenezer’s Fit does not come on as fear’d.  P.M. Read Luke 17.  Said a few Things Extemporaneously on it.  Preach’d on Heb. 4.7, improving Some part of Sermon on John 6.12, Scil. from page 6 to 18.  At Eve Forbush, but return’d (to his uncle Holloways).

February 19, 1750

1750 February 19 (Monday).  Aaron Warrin watch’d last Night with Ebenezer who we hope is through Gods great Mercy a little better.  Neighbours Edwards Whipple and Eleazer Williams came and kindly sledded wood.  It was the more kind and seasonable as it proved a considerable stormy Time p.m. yet they were not beat off, but got to the Door 10 Turns, the wood being already Cut to their Hands.  They din’d with us, as did Mr. Stone of Southborough who kindly came to see us.  The Snow prevail’d pritty much towards Eve.  It put us in Mind of the Great Snow storm which came this Day 33 Years agoe.  Ebenezer Spitts bloody matter to a greater Degree.  My Son William taken ill, having took Cold Yesterday (most probably) in coming from Meeting.  Mr. Daniel Hardy, Collector for the last Year, paid me the last of what he was to gather for my Sallery and support for the Year past.

February 20, 1750

1750 February 20 (Tuesday).  Was Somewhat concern’d about Ebenezers spitting Blood, but this Morning it disappears.  Abraham Batchellor had watch’d.  Billy seems better in the first of the Morning, but afterwards droops again.  Dr. Gott here.  He gives Billy a Purge.  Lucy complains and is laid by.  P.M. Mr. Martyn and his Wife came to see us in our Affliction.  He pray’d with us.  We have much Reason for Serious Reflection.  In this Day of Adversity we Should Consider.  May God grant us the Grace needed!

February 21, 1750

1750 February 21 (Wednesday).  Ebenezer considerably better — blessed be God!  Lucy much indispos’d Still, but Billy is at his Lessons again.  Captain Maynard and Deacon Forbush here.  P.M. Lieutenant Tainter he informs me that he finds he shall be very short of Hay and must get some other place for my Two Heifers which he has in keeping.  Thomas trims apple Trees etc.

February 22, 1750

1750 February 22 (Thursday).  Rode to Southborough — at Mr. Johnsons to Buy Corn for my Horse at Mr. Fays.  Din’d at Mr. Stones.  N.B. Mr. Thomas How and his despairing Wife there.  Rode to Marlborough.  Deacon Tainters,[1] Dr. Gotts (for Bitters for Ebenezer) at Mr. Smiths, Colonel Williams’s.[2]  Heard of the Death of Moses How of Rutland esq., a Gentleman I was well acquainted with.

[1]Joseph Tainter of Marlborough.

[2]Abraham Williams of Marlborough.

February 25, 1750

1750 February 25 (Sunday).  Great Rains a.m. and the Roads being exceeding Hollow I did not go to Meeting — but perform’d divers Exercises in my own Family.  Neighbour Noah How came and join’d with us.  He din’d with us.  Deacon Forbush came from the Meeting House at noon, the Rain slacking.  I went to meeting p.m.  Read Luke 18, preach’d on Numb. 23.10 and may God grant us both to live the Lives and die the Deaths of the Righteous!

February 26, 1750

1750 February 26 (Monday).  Letter from Rev. Mr. Maccarty containing a Request in behalf of Mr. Joshua Biglo for a Contribution here.  Mr. Hutchinson who preach’d at Southborough Yesterday, din’d here.  P.M. Mr. Stone to Esq. Baker, as Answer to the Committee who were lately with me to acquaint me with what the precinct had voted about the 500£ being put into a Rate.  Lieutenant Holloway came to see Ebenezer.  He informs me that David Willson has elop’d.

February 28, 1750

1750 February 28 (Wednesday).  Thomas return’d to Mr. Goolds at Concord.  P.M. my wife and I made a Visit to Mr. Abner Newton who is in a Languishing Condition.  N.B. He put into my Hand a 20 shilling Bill New Tenor.  I took the more Notice of this because of the State of my Mind to Day: Reflecting on the Trials I meet with in this Parish about my Remove, I nevertheless did in some Measure acquiesce in the will of God as being wisest and best.