August 30, 1749

1749 August 30 (Wednesday).  Visited Mr. Beriah Rice’s Children sick of the Throat distemper, visited Mr. Jonas Child who is sick.  There I saw Dr. Scammell.[1]  Got him to Look on Mrs. Grice and give Directions.  She had a Fit while the Doctor was here — and much Trouble afterwards.  N.B. Neighbour Rogers went, with his Oxen and mine and Neighbour Hows Cart, to fetch my Cyder-Mill from Mr. Woolley’s of Holden; and brought it.  The Affliction about Mrs. Grice is, however, the great test of all, for going up to see her in the Night, my wife being then with her, I gave her a few affectionate Words exhorting her to Repentance and Consider her Danger.  She made me very unbecoming Answers, So that though I wanted it much I could have no agreeable Opportunity to talk with her.

[1]Samuel Scammell, the physician of Milford, Mass.