August 26, 1749

1749 August 26 (Saturday).  A.M. came Edward Baker Esq., Deacon Newton and Lieutenant Tainter to acquaint me in private Capacity, that the Precinct had determin’d by their vote at their late Meeting, to take down the old Meeting House next Monday; So that I might be at no loss, or put to Difficulty the Lords Day following if I preach at the New Meeting House, they would invite me and Such of my Family as should go to Meeting, to their Houses, till there Should be some proper provision made for us by the precinct.  I acknowledged their Goodness, and thank’d ‘em kindly for their Offer.  And we took opportunity to enter upon some discourse about the Difficultys I must unavoidably undergoe the Ensuing Winter if the Meeting House we now use be taken down.  And after their relating to me the Debates of the last Meeting — Two of them (viz. Esq. Baker and Deacon Newton) undertook to go among the Opponents (Captain Maynard etc.) to see whether they did so desire the suspending the design’d work till next Spring, as that if they should be gratify’d therein, they would then acquiesce, at least not molest them in their Proceeding.  N.B. My Saying the Dividing the Town was the Thing that gave the Fatal Stabb to my Interest (explaining it of my Temporal Interest) among them.  Mrs. Batherick here with her Relation.  Mr. Stephen Sadler din’d here, came to look on the Horse, which his Father talks of buying of me.  Ebenezer went over to Mr. Martyns for Bricks for an Oven and brought them.  Two Barrells of my new boiled Cyder sprang Leaks — much was wasted — oblig’d to get another Barrell, rinse and Shift what we could of the Cyder.  Betty Grice, who seems to be but an infirm Body, is indispos’d and lyes by.