August 21, 1749

1749 August 21 (Monday).  I rode to Shrewsbury a.m.  Colonel Ward[1] ask’d me into his House, and I smoak’d a Pipe.  N.B. He is full of their Affair with Dr. Smith which is to come before their Church to Day.  I went to Mr. Cushings about the Cyder Mill, which Mr. Woolley is to make for me.  I find it needfull to go to him to Holden.  Mr. Cushing lent me his Horse (mine being pritty Dull with his late Journeys) — din’d at Mr. Woolleys.  As I return’d at Evening I visited Mrs. Martha Warrin[2] who is sick.  Ebenezer went to Boston in my Chair, drawn by my Mare — set out at 9 or 10 at Night.

[1]Nahum Ward.

[2]Mrs. Daniel Warrin.