February 16, 1749

1749 February 16 (Thursday).  The Weather somewhat Moderator.  Mr. Cushing was my Company to Shrewsbury.  We went in to see Mrs. Crosby (Mr. David Crosbys Wife) and in talking of the Marriage of her Daughter Sarah to Robert Cook, I told her that his Brother Jonathan Certify’d me in the presence of the Company at the wedding that she (Mrs. Crosby) did give her Consent to it: but Mrs. Crosby said she did not, but that Robert had obtained her leave to court her Daughter, and nothing else but that he had come and ask’d her Pardon, as to anything he had offended her in.  Din’d at Mr. Cushings — preach’d the Lecture for him on Rom. 8.7.  Cold and Stormy p.m. and at Eve.  I rode home in a snow storm.  Mrs. Molly Martyn here.  She came yesterday — she was brought by Ebenezer and Forbush — and there had been considerable Company besides here.