July 25, 1748

1748 July 25 (Monday).  Am still but weak and pain’d.  Flux attending me from Day to Day.  Mr. Samuel Harrington with Cart and one Yoke of Oxen, and Benjamin Tainter with the Like Carted Hay for me from the Meadow.  Harrington 2 Turns 13 Cocks each, and once with 14.  Tainter with 13 Cocks all 3 Turns: Ebenezer 13 Cocks 2 Turns and his last turn being in the Dark was but 11 Cocks.  N.B. The Cocks in general large.  A great Kindness this of my Neibours.  The Lord reward ‘em for it.  I visited Thomas Rogers who is sick.  A letter subscribed Eli Forbush,[1] desiring free Liberty to discourse with Molly without giving Offence.

[1]The son of Deacon Jonathan Forbush.  Eli (Harvard 1751) changed his name to Forbes and was ordained at North Brookfield June 3, 1752.  He married Mary Parkman, Aug. 5, 1752.  Pierce, Forbes and Forbush Genealogy, pp. 33-36.