July 5, 1748

1748 July 5 (Tuesday).  Rose very early by Candle Light, and soon Set out upon my Journey to Cambridge.  Stopp’d at Mr. Cooks and got a Shooe put on my Colt (which I now first rode to Boston); at Mr. Chamberlins and receiv’d 25£ New Tenor, hastened to Mr. Bridge’s[1] who was gone before me but his wife there.  I din’t at Watertown, at Captain Tainters.[2]  Stop’d at Saltmarshs, by reason of Mr. Nichols and his Spouse, Mr. John Gerrish and his Spouse, Messrs. Marsh[3] and Nathaniel Gardner[4] of College there.  I rode to Cambridge to see my honour’d mother in Law at Brother Barretts.  Visited Brother Champney — but lodg’d, and my Horse was kept at Deacon Sparhawks.  N.B. On the fifth Deacon Newton Sent Timothy and Mr. Charles Rice sent Charles to help us in hilling our Corn.  On the seventh he sow’d the South field with Rie.

[1]The Reverend Mr. Matthew Bridge of Framingham.

[2]John Tainter.

[3]Perez Marsh (Harvard 1748).

[4](Harvard 1739).  A Boston schoolmaster and teacher of French at Harvard College.  Sibley, X, 366-368.