July 1, 1748

1748 July 1 (Friday).  Bright Day.  Air cooler much than of late.  Thomas Rogers came to hilling along with Ebenezer the forenoon for Josephs work for his Brother John.  I was oblig’d to turn out and tend Hay, and pole from some distance for notwithstanding what I said yesterday nobody came to work for me.  Some rain towards Eve.  Deacon Sparhawk[1] of Cambridge came to see us and lodg’d here.

[1]Samuel Sparhawk.

July 3, 1748

1748 July 3 (Sunday).  Sacrament.  By reason of my great Difficulties and incumbrances, I was oblig’d to go on in repeating sermon on Luke 22.19 but did it from 1 Cor. 11.24.  P.M. deliver’d an Exposition of Mat. 25.7.8.  One Mrs. Margaret Chadduck din’d here.  Thomme came up last night and kept Sabbath with us.

July 4, 1748

1748 July 4 (Monday).  Mr. Samuel Harrington kindly came and hoed for me, and Samuel Forbush came for Lieutenant Tainter.  It rain’d a while — but they were not much beat off.  Thomme though he was not well, yet plough’d for them great part of the Day.  N.B. Thomme tells me that this master thinks he might be excus’d more from out door work if his Indentures were thrown up.  N.B. Ebenezer by going down into the Well to hook up the Buckett, took Cold and was Sick at Eve.  The Discharge by Vomit a great Favour.  A Storm of Thunder, Lightning and Rain at Night.

July 5, 1748

1748 July 5 (Tuesday).  Rose very early by Candle Light, and soon Set out upon my Journey to Cambridge.  Stopp’d at Mr. Cooks and got a Shooe put on my Colt (which I now first rode to Boston); at Mr. Chamberlins and receiv’d 25£ New Tenor, hastened to Mr. Bridge’s[1] who was gone before me but his wife there.  I din’t at Watertown, at Captain Tainters.[2]  Stop’d at Saltmarshs, by reason of Mr. Nichols and his Spouse, Mr. John Gerrish and his Spouse, Messrs. Marsh[3] and Nathaniel Gardner[4] of College there.  I rode to Cambridge to see my honour’d mother in Law at Brother Barretts.  Visited Brother Champney — but lodg’d, and my Horse was kept at Deacon Sparhawks.  N.B. On the fifth Deacon Newton Sent Timothy and Mr. Charles Rice sent Charles to help us in hilling our Corn.  On the seventh he sow’d the South field with Rie.

[1]The Reverend Mr. Matthew Bridge of Framingham.

[2]John Tainter.

[3]Perez Marsh (Harvard 1748).

[4](Harvard 1739).  A Boston schoolmaster and teacher of French at Harvard College.  Sibley, X, 366-368.

July 6, 1748

1748 July 6 (Wednesday).  Attended Commencement.  Was chiefly at Sir Wards[1] and Sir Cushings.[2]  Din’d in the Hall.  The afternoon prov’d very rainy and into Night.  The Presidents Oration was a Lamenting of the disadvantages and Disrepute which Learning was fallen under in these Times, and Satyrical Invective against those who were the Sad Causes of our gloomy state.  N.B. Neither the Governor nor the Lieutenant Governor present.  The former gone his journey to Albany.  I lodg’d at Mother Champneys.

[1]Artemas Ward of Shrewsbury.

[2]Jacob Cushing, the son of the Reverend Job Cushing of Shrewsbury.

July 7, 1748

1748 July 7 (Thursday).  Samuel Sparhawk junior brought my Horse in the Morning and I rode to Boston.  I stop’d at Proctors and would have been glad to have had my Horse kept there this Visit.  And I made it my Business to go and see bereaved Brother William to mix my Tears with his and his Childrens.  But I din’d at Mr. Olivers, and my Horse was taken care of there.  P.M. at the Auction of Dr. Colmans[1] Books — bought 7 folios: 4 quartos and 4 octavos.  Supp’d at Mr. Olivers — was to have lodg’d with my Brother but was (to my grief) too late; turn’d in the Doctors and lodg’d with him, his wife continuing in a low Condition.

[1]The Reverend Mr. Benjamin Colman.

July 8, 1748

1748 July 8 (Friday).  Very early went over to my Brother.  Had a good Morning with him.  And visited also his son John.  Hasten’d to Dr. Colmans to pay for my Books.  My Kinsman Hearsey help’d me move them to his House.  Din’d at Mr. Cowells.  Mounted from Mr. Olivers, who and his Spouse were very generous and bountiful in Special by a very handsome Hatt for my Alexander as well as Pickled Oysters, Mackrell, fine Biskitt for my wife.  I sett out between 3 and 4 o’Clock.  Mr. Thomas[1] of Marlborough my Company.  Stop’d at Mr. Edward Harringtons in Watertown to see Mr. Ebenezer Bullard[2] who lyes languishing and pray’d with him, and it Seem’d as if the Conversation was (by Divine Blessing) made profitable.  We stop’d again at Mr. Darlings though it was late.  Heard of Mischief done by the Indians at Lunenbourg — burning the Garrison and several persons.  Got home somewhat after Midnight; and was in a Measure of Comfort — my family also well.  Thanks to God.

[1]William Thomas.

[2]The step-son of Mr. Edward Harrington.

July 9, 1748

1748 July 9 (Saturday).  Not only tired with my Journey but interrupted with Company both a. and p.m.  Mr. Hall and Mr. Wellman here a.m. and broke their fast here.  Mr. Rawson[1] din’d here in his way to Chauxitt.  N.B. heard there was an Alarm last night at Chauxitt, which was answer’d as low as Marlborough.

[1]Grindall Rawson (Harvard 1741), later the minister at Ware, I751-I754, and at Yarmouth, 1755-1760.  Sibley, XI, 58-64.

July 10, 1748

1748 July 10 (Sunday).  Preach’d a. and p.m. on Mat. 20.6 to page 6 and from page 32 to the End.  N.B. old Mr. Eleazer Bellows had dy’d Somewhat Suddenly and was bury’d in the Course of the last week.  N.B. Mr. Cushing from home, many Shrewsbury people were at meeting here.  Dr. Smith and his wife and Sir Cushing din’d here.

July 11, 1748

1748 July 11 (Monday).  My Daughter Mary rode with me to the South East Corner of Town.  I visited all the Familys there.  Din’d at Mr. Chamberlins — and Cathechiz’d at Mr. Joslins.  N.B. some difference among them about the place where I should Catechize.  N.B. Thomme went to Worcester for his master with Two Horses to get Rie.  Billy rode with him to Dr. Brecks.  Letter from Mr. Edwards[1] about his publishing Life of Mr. David Brainerd.

[1]Jonathan Edwards published An Account of the Life of the late Reverend Mr. David Brainerd (Boston, 1749).

July 18, 1748

1748 July 18 (Monday).  Mr. Dunlop came and reap’d a.m. and Samuel Burnap so came gratis and mow’d.  Rain part of the Day.  They got in one Load of Rye before the Rains.  Mr. Dunlop went away p.m. after reaping a while.  They all (of ‘em) got down the Rie.  I visited Mrs. Tomlin and Neighbour How, and at the same time endeavour’d to inform my neighbours of the Design a Number on the Southside have to mow my meadow tomorrow (if it be fair) and therefore I shall need Rakers.  Forbush (who keeps School at Mr. Joslins) here, and the Rain prevailing, he lodg’d here.

July 19, 1748

1748 July 19 (Tuesday).  Rainy Night and Morning.  No expectation of mowing.  Visited Mr. Jonathan Rogers’s wife who is very ill of a Fever.  Dr. Smith there.  Very sorrowfull News from the westward — of nineteen of our men passing between Hensdalls and Fort Dummer[1] but 2 are come in.  Mr. Hall of Sutton, his wife and son David din’d here.

[1]Within the present town of Brattleboro, Vt.

July 20, 1748

1748 July 20 (Wednesday).  Six Hands mow’d in my ministerial meadow — viz. Mr. Bowman, Mr. Pratt, Phinehas Hardy, Solomon Woods, Jonathan Forbush and Zebulon Rice.  I waited on them both a. and p.m. at the Meadow and endeavor’d they Should have every Thing for their Comfort that I could.  Deacon Whipple[1] of Grafton brought Mr. Wainwright and they din’d with us.

[1]James Whipple.

July 22, 1748

1748 July 22 (Friday).  I rode out in the morning as I think it is my Duty, considering my Circumstances, first to Mr. Nurse’s for Some shooing of my Colt then to divers Neighbours to look up Rakers.  N.B. Merchant Rice can’t go himself, but Sends a Bottle of Rum (nigh a Quart) to encourage them that did.  Amos Whitney, Jonathan Devereux (from Captain Maynard) and Mr. Beriah Rice’s Son Timothy, together with my Ebenezer rak’d in the Meadow.  P.M. there went divers others viz. Mr. Jonas Child and Jonathan Grout and near night Mr. Eliezer Rice lent a Hand.  N.B. Some uncomfortable Discourse with Neighbour Eliezer Rice in the forenoon about the precincts agreement with me about my annual Stipend.  I had an afternoon of great Labour and worry among my Hay at Home.

July 23, 1748

1748 July 23 (Saturday).  I rose early and went to Captain Bakers to desire him to Cart for me — Since my Hay was now ready: but (though he went to Stephen Fay’s to get his Cattle for it) he could not.  I proceeded to Lieutenant Tainters.  He agreed to go to Day if Captain Baker went to Day — but he chose to deferr it till Monday.  I had considerable of work in my Hay to do at Home, though it be Such a Day in the Week — but in providence Mr. Dunlop was passing from Marlborough, and I laid hold on him.  Ebenezer and he got in 2 Load of Hay that was at Home — and then went to the Meadow to rake what was left and to bring home 1 Load of Hay.  He did the Latter but omitted the former.  I was ill at Eve.

July 24, 1748

1748 July 24 (Sunday).  I had a bad Night and rose so indisposed this morning that could hardly imagine I should go to meeting — but though I was very lax in my Body much pain’d and faint, yet considering how the people would be Scatter’d and the Lords Day thrown away if there was not a minister, I ventur’d to the Public Prayer, was short — the Exposition on Mat. 20.12.13 was about 34 minutes long.  P.M. I attempted again repeated (from Col. 3.20) Sermon of the Duty of Children from page 9 to the End.  Flying News that Joseph Bowker was kill’d by the late Body of Indians between Hensdells and Fort Dummer.

July 25, 1748

1748 July 25 (Monday).  Am still but weak and pain’d.  Flux attending me from Day to Day.  Mr. Samuel Harrington with Cart and one Yoke of Oxen, and Benjamin Tainter with the Like Carted Hay for me from the Meadow.  Harrington 2 Turns 13 Cocks each, and once with 14.  Tainter with 13 Cocks all 3 Turns: Ebenezer 13 Cocks 2 Turns and his last turn being in the Dark was but 11 Cocks.  N.B. The Cocks in general large.  A great Kindness this of my Neibours.  The Lord reward ‘em for it.  I visited Thomas Rogers who is sick.  A letter subscribed Eli Forbush,[1] desiring free Liberty to discourse with Molly without giving Offence.

[1]The son of Deacon Jonathan Forbush.  Eli (Harvard 1751) changed his name to Forbes and was ordained at North Brookfield June 3, 1752.  He married Mary Parkman, Aug. 5, 1752.  Pierce, Forbes and Forbush Genealogy, pp. 33-36.

July 31, 1748

1748 July 31 (Sunday).  On Mat. 15.14 and Mat. 25.46 former part.  Thomas Rogers thought to be near his End.  At Eve both my wife and I visited Thomas Rogers and pray’d there.  He was not able to give any answer or I suppose understanding any thing — convulsive motions increas’d greatly — and after we came away, perhaps an hour or Two, he dy’d.  A great loss to his parents who have set much by him, and depended much upon him.  He was 19 and half — a very lively, active and mannerly Youth: but I can say little else.  The Lord sanctifie this providence both to the parents and the Neighbourhood, especially our young people.