January 13, 1747

1747 January 13 (Tuesday).  Very Cold Season.  Ebenezer thrashes Barley.  Thomme to Mr. Johnsons Mill.  I read Fullers pisgah sight;[1] and at Eve transcrib’d the Applicatory Part of the last sermon on Tit. 2.12.  My Wife in great pain and Swell’d in one Legg and Foot.  Nor am I free from Pains of Rheumatism.  Diverse also of the Family complain of Agues in their Faces — Molly and Bekky particularly.

[1]Thomas Fuller, A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament Acted thereon (London, 1650).  Another edition was published in London in 1662.