January 12, 1747

1747 January 12 (Monday).  Clear but Cold.  Am under indisposition of Body — but can read and write, all Day, through the great Goodness of God.  The Rye Ebenezer has got out is 10 Bushels which (with 2 Bushel got out before and sown before Winter) makes our Winter Rye 12 Bushels.  At Eve came James White (late of Upton) and Joanna Fay (late of Southborough), her Brother Moses accompanying, and were marry’d.  Robert Bradish also came, and with him Deacon Newton, Captain Warrin and Mr. Wheeler; and though they were not of my choosing yet I consented that the Cause should be heard by them — which was therefore accordingly rehears’d on both sides; and Mr. Beriah Rice was here to give his Testimony, which he  gave plumply and Earnestly, By Word of Mouth, and deliver’d the Substance of it in Writing also, Sign’d by both himself and his wife.  By this joint Testimony thus given in I look’d upon myself and conceive that all others did, as fully justify’d as to the Ground and Cause of my writing my Letter to Robert Bradish, and proceeded to argue that in Case Said Bradish was laid under any Burden which he ought not to bear, it was laid on him by some Body else and not by me; but that if what was testify’d was true (and the Testimony of the Two is True), then I was to be look’d  upon as under a great Grievous Burden of Reproch from Said Bradish.  I shall not think it worth while to take much notice of what Strange Pleas and Exceptions he made against the Evidences — their being in my Hand writing etc. whereas the Harringtons and his wife’s were (of which I had little need) yet Mr. Rice’s and his wife’s were recharg’d here by their own mouths to Bradish (whence we were together heretofore) before any word of theirs was writ — and when it was written, it was while all partys were present and at the general Desire of all concern’d.  In Brief, the Judges took the Case — and after Some Time spent alone by themselves we had their Request (instead of any Sentence) praying that for peace sake we would throw all up and go no further.  Bradish was willing to — and when it came to my turn to answer, I spoke to this purpose, that under my Case I had discharg’d My Duty (as I apprehended) in a proper manner to him who had done me Injury — that I abide by it — and pray’d God to give His Blessing — wish’d heartily he might see his Error: but inasmuch as they who had heard the Case did Desire this Earnestly that it might be carry’d no further, I would accordingly Cease from anything further.  If he had not Design’d to reproch me on what was deliver’d in my preaching and would labour after a sound understanding of those great and weighty Truths which had been mention’d — there being signification of Consent thereto, I gave him my Hand.  We burnt the Papers and we parted without further Jarr.


‘Tis true I had more reluctance than can easily be express’d, because he very much deserv’d severe Reprehension and needs humblings; for which I can’t but think I had great advantage in my Hands and had no need to fear anything that he could in any wise be able to do.  Nor can I conceive why those gentlemen which heard of the Case, unless their minds wrought towards him as he was a most turbulent fractious piece, and was now forthwith, tomorrow morning, to go off into the service, a soldier in Colonel Dwights[1] Regiment.  But I could not withstand their pressing Instance for peace; and I did not want to have anything more, in way of Contest, to do with him.  Yet I may repent (for ought I know) of my too great Gentleness towards him.  But may God be pleas’d to help me in subduing and denying myself, and my inward Corruptions; and grant forgiveness of what has been amiss; Sanctifie this Trial to me; and give the poor man to see his Pride and Wickedness, that he may repent of it.  N.B. Mr. Chamberlin took away the young Sow which he bought of me a few days ago and sent her to Boston alive in a small Drove.

[1]Joseph Dwight.  Sibley, VII, 56-66.