January 8, 1747

1747 January 8 (Thursday).  Robert Bradish here in the forenoon, and is uneasy still.  He wanted Opportunity for further Discourse. I told him those men which he improv’d before, viz. Deacon Newton and Neighbour Stephen Fay, would do very well for him to take Advice of again: and I purpos’d to be at Mr. Fays in the afternoon where he might be also if he pleas’d with any Body else that he should choose.  Mr. Ebenezer Baker of Marlborough here and din’d again with us. P.M. I rode to Mr. Abner Newtons. Robert Bradish came in there, but I was going. Mr. Newton said nothing in the world of any Disquietments even though we had talk of their Family Afflictions — of his Fathers affairs etc. I went to Deacon Newtons, having sent his Barnabas for Mr. Beriah Rice.  I rode up to Mr. Stephen Fay’s, who being gone to Boston we were much disappointed. I proceeded to visit old Captain Fay who is under a great Infirmity and kept from the House of God. Return’d to Captain Bakers who is under Confinement by great Pains in his Limbs. But hither resorted Robert Bradish, Deacon Newton and Beriah Rice — but Captain Baker was not willing to have the affair open’d to him, because of his great Indisposition — so it was adjourn’d.  I went to Merchant Rice’s and thence came Home. In the Evening came Lieutenant Thomas Forbush and in better Frame than last Time and was (to sum up in short) desirous that none of his Children might suffer for his Sake, and we parted in Peace. Mr. Reed ordain’d at Framingham.