January 1, 1747

1747 January 1 (Thursday).  O that I might be made Suitably Sensible of the Flight of my Life.  How soon alas! my Days on Earth will finish! and I shall be here no more! I could not retire (as I much desir’d) to Spend this Day by my Self for I was called in Providence to preach from home.  But the Lord enable me to Consider his infinite Mercy to me, and my unspeakable Obligations to Him therefore! In Special through the Changing Scenes of Last Year.  I rode to Shrewsbury and preach’d the Lecture there, on Ps. 39.4.  A Cold, especially very windy Day, and not many at Meeting.  Return’d at Eve, and being Cold I call’d at Eagers[1] to warm me.  N.B. Many Load of Stores gone and going up for the Forces in the Westward.  Blanketts, Kettles, Arms etc. and yet its Doubtfull whether the Expedition will go on.  At my House Thomas Winchester brings a message from Timothy Warrin (who was with me lately to buy my oxen) that he did not depend on them.  Lieutenant Tainter brought up Six of Mr. Edwards on Religious Affections.

[1]James Eager of the north side of Westborough.

January 4, 1747

1747 January 4 (Sunday).  I went on still with my Subject of the Gospel teaching us to live Godly from Tit. 2.12, but I us’d for my Text to Day (as last Lords Day) 2 Tim. 3.12, former Clause.  Snowy Day, few attended. Mrs. Whitney and Mr. Jonathan Forbush’s wife din’d with us. So few Young Men at Meeting that their Society did not Meet at Evening. Stormy Night.

January 5, 1747

1747 January 5 (Monday).  No body comes to cutt wood as was expected.  My Hay so very short that my mind is full of Concern.  A.M. my sons thrash’d Rye. I rode into the Neighbourhood to enquire after Hay.  To Neighbour Eliezer Rice, Williams’s, Pratts. At Old Mr. Maynards at Eve — Old Mr. Whipple and Captain Maynard there.  No Success as to Hay.

January 6, 1747

1747 January 6 (Tuesday).  A.M. Mr. Chamberlin buys my fatting Sow alive.  He offers 18 d per pound when kill’d, or 12 d alive.  She weighed 108 alive and comes to 5£ 8 shillings of which he pays be 4£ old Tenor.  My sons thrash Rye. P.M. I rode out again after Hay. To Eliezer Rice’s, Ensign Rice, Eliezer Bellows, Joseph Knowltons (N.B. his wife ill).  In returning I was in at old Mr. Green’s for Corn. Agree with Joseph that what I have of him I must give 12 shillings per Bushel for. At my House found Timothy Warrin and Eliezer Rice about my Cattle, and I sold ‘em to Neighbour Warrin for 44£ and a Days Work ploughing Stubble in the Spring.  He gave me Bond to be paid September 29 with Interest — but I engag’d that if he would pay me by March 10 there should be no Interest at all. He promis’d also to bring me a Load of Rails from Mr. Harringtons.

January 7, 1747

1747 January 7 (Wednesday).  Cold for some Days past — today Clear, Windy, Cold.  Mr. Warrin took away the oxen he bought last night.  My sons thrashing Rye.  The Day appointed for the Ordination of Mr. Reed[1] over the second Church in Framingham.  But I kept at home for  I fear what Grounds they go upon.  It grew very Cold especially towards night.

[1]Solomon Reed (Harvard 1739) was the minister of the Second Church (Separatist) of Framingham, and later Titicut Separatist Church of Middleborough, 1756-1785.  Sibley, X, 398-400.

January 8, 1747

1747 January 8 (Thursday).  Robert Bradish here in the forenoon, and is uneasy still.  He wanted Opportunity for further Discourse. I told him those men which he improv’d before, viz. Deacon Newton and Neighbour Stephen Fay, would do very well for him to take Advice of again: and I purpos’d to be at Mr. Fays in the afternoon where he might be also if he pleas’d with any Body else that he should choose.  Mr. Ebenezer Baker of Marlborough here and din’d again with us. P.M. I rode to Mr. Abner Newtons. Robert Bradish came in there, but I was going. Mr. Newton said nothing in the world of any Disquietments even though we had talk of their Family Afflictions — of his Fathers affairs etc. I went to Deacon Newtons, having sent his Barnabas for Mr. Beriah Rice.  I rode up to Mr. Stephen Fay’s, who being gone to Boston we were much disappointed. I proceeded to visit old Captain Fay who is under a great Infirmity and kept from the House of God. Return’d to Captain Bakers who is under Confinement by great Pains in his Limbs. But hither resorted Robert Bradish, Deacon Newton and Beriah Rice — but Captain Baker was not willing to have the affair open’d to him, because of his great Indisposition — so it was adjourn’d.  I went to Merchant Rice’s and thence came Home. In the Evening came Lieutenant Thomas Forbush and in better Frame than last Time and was (to sum up in short) desirous that none of his Children might suffer for his Sake, and we parted in Peace. Mr. Reed ordain’d at Framingham.

January 11, 1747

1747 January 11 (Sunday).  I go on with the Subject of living Godly from 2 Tim. 3.12.  Nobody but my own Family din’d with me. P.M. Repeated from Rom. 8.6, latter part.  N.B. Mr. Prentice of Grafton absent from his people, and many of them here at meeting.  I was exceedingly tired at Eve, and perceive that I have a bad Cold — Rheumatic Pains in my Limbs.

January 12, 1747

1747 January 12 (Monday).  Clear but Cold.  Am under indisposition of Body — but can read and write, all Day, through the great Goodness of God.  The Rye Ebenezer has got out is 10 Bushels which (with 2 Bushel got out before and sown before Winter) makes our Winter Rye 12 Bushels.  At Eve came James White (late of Upton) and Joanna Fay (late of Southborough), her Brother Moses accompanying, and were marry’d.  Robert Bradish also came, and with him Deacon Newton, Captain Warrin and Mr. Wheeler; and though they were not of my choosing yet I consented that the Cause should be heard by them — which was therefore accordingly rehears’d on both sides; and Mr. Beriah Rice was here to give his Testimony, which he  gave plumply and Earnestly, By Word of Mouth, and deliver’d the Substance of it in Writing also, Sign’d by both himself and his wife.  By this joint Testimony thus given in I look’d upon myself and conceive that all others did, as fully justify’d as to the Ground and Cause of my writing my Letter to Robert Bradish, and proceeded to argue that in Case Said Bradish was laid under any Burden which he ought not to bear, it was laid on him by some Body else and not by me; but that if what was testify’d was true (and the Testimony of the Two is True), then I was to be look’d  upon as under a great Grievous Burden of Reproch from Said Bradish.  I shall not think it worth while to take much notice of what Strange Pleas and Exceptions he made against the Evidences — their being in my Hand writing etc. whereas the Harringtons and his wife’s were (of which I had little need) yet Mr. Rice’s and his wife’s were recharg’d here by their own mouths to Bradish (whence we were together heretofore) before any word of theirs was writ — and when it was written, it was while all partys were present and at the general Desire of all concern’d.  In Brief, the Judges took the Case — and after Some Time spent alone by themselves we had their Request (instead of any Sentence) praying that for peace sake we would throw all up and go no further.  Bradish was willing to — and when it came to my turn to answer, I spoke to this purpose, that under my Case I had discharg’d My Duty (as I apprehended) in a proper manner to him who had done me Injury — that I abide by it — and pray’d God to give His Blessing — wish’d heartily he might see his Error: but inasmuch as they who had heard the Case did Desire this Earnestly that it might be carry’d no further, I would accordingly Cease from anything further.  If he had not Design’d to reproch me on what was deliver’d in my preaching and would labour after a sound understanding of those great and weighty Truths which had been mention’d — there being signification of Consent thereto, I gave him my Hand.  We burnt the Papers and we parted without further Jarr.


‘Tis true I had more reluctance than can easily be express’d, because he very much deserv’d severe Reprehension and needs humblings; for which I can’t but think I had great advantage in my Hands and had no need to fear anything that he could in any wise be able to do.  Nor can I conceive why those gentlemen which heard of the Case, unless their minds wrought towards him as he was a most turbulent fractious piece, and was now forthwith, tomorrow morning, to go off into the service, a soldier in Colonel Dwights[1] Regiment.  But I could not withstand their pressing Instance for peace; and I did not want to have anything more, in way of Contest, to do with him.  Yet I may repent (for ought I know) of my too great Gentleness towards him.  But may God be pleas’d to help me in subduing and denying myself, and my inward Corruptions; and grant forgiveness of what has been amiss; Sanctifie this Trial to me; and give the poor man to see his Pride and Wickedness, that he may repent of it.  N.B. Mr. Chamberlin took away the young Sow which he bought of me a few days ago and sent her to Boston alive in a small Drove.

[1]Joseph Dwight.  Sibley, VII, 56-66.

January 13, 1747

1747 January 13 (Tuesday).  Very Cold Season.  Ebenezer thrashes Barley.  Thomme to Mr. Johnsons Mill.  I read Fullers pisgah sight;[1] and at Eve transcrib’d the Applicatory Part of the last sermon on Tit. 2.12.  My Wife in great pain and Swell’d in one Legg and Foot.  Nor am I free from Pains of Rheumatism.  Diverse also of the Family complain of Agues in their Faces — Molly and Bekky particularly.

[1]Thomas Fuller, A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament Acted thereon (London, 1650).  Another edition was published in London in 1662.

January 15, 1747

1747 January 25 (Sunday).  On Tit. 2.13, have now finish’d what I have been so long upon.  May God most gracious add his Blessing. P.M. repeated sermon on Rom. 8.6.  N.B. I have twice repeated an old sermon in the afternoon that I might deliver more unbrokenly my whole preparations in one Exercise, though it has been very long and cost me much the more pains.  O that we might be Spiritually minded — that we might have true and Eternal Life and Peace! Captain Flagg and Mr. Joshua Child of Worcester here at Meeting and at my House afterwards.  Captain Flagg pursued his Journey Home.

January 17, 1747

1747 January 17 (Saturday).  Mr. Chamberlin came home from Boston.  He informs me that my Kinsman Elias[1] was marry’d on New Years Night.  May they be espous’d to Jesus Christ and live together as Heirs of the grace of Life.  He brought me also a pair of stout Deer Skin Gloves from Mr. Stansbury in Boston.

[1]Parkman’s nephew, Elias Parkman of Boston, married Abigail White.

January 19, 1747

1747 January 19 (Monday).  Mr. John Mead in the morning.  Ebenezer gone, and Noah How with him to help him, to get slabbs for sides of an Horse sled at the ministerial Lot.  My wife in much pain. Mr. Jension return’d from Brookfield at Evening. Eli having kept school to Day also. Mr. Jenison was in here and acquaint’d me that the people of Worcester were this Day to meet and were likely to Endeavour after Mr. Maccarty, either settle [him] or at least to preach another month.

January 23, 1747

1747 January 23 (Friday).  After a Great Storm, a fine, bright pleasant Day.  P.M. Mr. Jenison going his Journey up to Brookfield; the Snow so deep he takes time.  Mr. Stone[1] of Southborough here also, returning from North Shrewsbury where there has been a Council of Three Ministers (Mr. Campbell,[2] Mr. Cushing and Mr. Stone) to hear and advise upon some Difficultys and Differences which have arisen there between Mr. Morse[3] and divers of his Neighbours, Especially Mr. Isaac Temple, which tis hop’d may be hereby in some Measure compos’d.  Captain Maynard was also here.  Tells me Mr. Ebenezer Baker still continued ill at his House.  Ebenezer brings home an Horse sled made by him and Noah How.

[1]The Reverend Nathan Stone.

[2]The Reverend John Campbell of Oxford.

[3]The Reverend Ebenezer Morse of Boylston.

January 25, 1747

1747 January 25 (Sunday).  On Tit. 2.13, have now finish’d what I have been so long upon.  May God most gracious add his Blessing.  P.M. repeated sermon on Rom. 8.6.  N.B. I have twice repeated an old sermon in the afternoon that I might deliver more unbrokenly my whole preparations in one Exercise, though it has been very long and cost me much the more pains.  O that we might be Spiritually minded — that we might have true and Eternal Life and Peace! Captain Flagg[1] and Mr. Joshua Child of Worcester here at Meeting and at my House afterwards.  Captain Flagg pursued his Journey Home.

[1]Benjamin Flagg.

January 27, 1747

1747 January 27 (Tuesday).  I rode over to Mr. Martyns and din’d there.  P.M. he rode with me to Mr. Smiths at Marlborough.  I went also to Mr. Joseph Williams sadler to talk with him about my son Thomme’s living with him to learn his trade, and he readily consented.  At Dr. Gotts at Eve. Return’d home. A Letter came from Mr. Pierpoint with his account of Esquire Lee’s Debt Sworn — and a Power of attorney to me to recover.

January 28, 1747

1747 January 28 (Wednesday).  It had been pleasant weather for 2 Days but now it is very likely to be stormy.  3 Teams came and number of Hands to Cutt wood. The Teams Mr. Bowman, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Phinehas Hardy, David Batheric — Jonathan Forbush, Solomon Woods, Tim Warrin, Zebulon Rice, Judah Rice, Nathaniel Whitney and Josiah Grout.  They had not gone I think above 2 Turns after Dinner before the Storm prevail’d so that they broke off and went home. A Great Storm of Wind and Snow at Evening.

January 30, 1747

1747 January 30 (Friday).  Stormy Snow. Stephen Fay (at my sending for) came here, and again talk’d with me about taking up the Strip of Common Land, about 4 acres, on the South side of the Road by the South Burying place.  N.B. Lieutenant Wood had told me that he, Mr. Abner Newton and Mr. Stephen Fay had all pitch’d on it, but the Two former would give up their pitch to me if Stephen would — but this the last was not willing to because he had the land which join’d to it, out to both the other Roads.  But he made me this proposal, that if I would engage before hand to sell it to him, he would give me 25 shillings per acre for it and bear the charge of laying it out — or he would give me Rights to take up as much Land other where and Ten shillings, or instead of the 10 shillings he would give me one acre of that very Land clear and free.  I told him I would do nothing underhand, but would acquaint Mr. Newton so far as should be needful that I might have his free Consent.

January 31, 1747

1747 January 31 (Saturday).  Captain Maynard is return’d from Boston through the tedious Storms and Roads and his Team under his sons Care is coming.  The Snow very deep.  Captain Maynard brings me a Letter of the 23rd from my Brother Parkman informing me of their sorrows by the extreme illness of his Daughter Emms,[1] but Captain Maynard adds that Brother Samuel inform’d him that she dy’d on Thursday morning last.  The Lord Pity the Bereav’d Husband and parents, and Sanctifie the frequent Breaches in our Family to us all who are related!

[1]Martha, daughter of Parkman’s eldest brother, William, married Joshua Emmes.