November 1, 1746

1746 November 1 (Saturday).  As we were going to mount in order to return Home, my Kinsman Nathaniel Parkman[1] came with Speed to acquaint me that Sister Betty dy’d this Morning.  My Daughter and I Set out upon our Journey, fearing the weather might change and my Limbs be more affected.  But upon second Thought we turn’d down the Road from Captain Wells’s.  I return’d to Boston to my mourning distress’d Friends.  May God Sanctify the Breach to us all, as to my dear Young Kinsfolk — Special may the Lord take them up!  may they have wisdom to Conduct!  may they live in Love and Peace!  Captain White kindly ask’d me to put up my Chair into his House and my Mare into his Stable.  Lodg’d with my Kinsman.

[1]Parkman’s nephew, the son of William Parkman.