November 1, 1746

1746 November 1 (Saturday).  As we were going to mount in order to return Home, my Kinsman Nathaniel Parkman[1] came with Speed to acquaint me that Sister Betty dy’d this Morning.  My Daughter and I Set out upon our Journey, fearing the weather might change and my Limbs be more affected.  But upon second Thought we turn’d down the Road from Captain Wells’s.  I return’d to Boston to my mourning distress’d Friends.  May God Sanctify the Breach to us all, as to my dear Young Kinsfolk — Special may the Lord take them up!  may they have wisdom to Conduct!  may they live in Love and Peace!  Captain White kindly ask’d me to put up my Chair into his House and my Mare into his Stable.  Lodg’d with my Kinsman.

[1]Parkman’s nephew, the son of William Parkman.

November 6, 1746

1746 November 6 (Thursday).  My Horse has been kept till now at Captain Whites.  An Exceeding Cold wind in the Morning, yet Molly and I set out in the Chair and rode home, having stop’d and been kindly refresh’d at Mr. Thomas Dana’s,[1] Mr. Patersons[2] and at Mr. Darlings.[3]  Got home well and found my Family well.  Blessed be God!  But in my Absence It has pleas’d God to take away Ensign Thomas Newton and his wife, and one of their Son Abners little sons of the Fever and Flux.

[1]Of Cambridge.

[2]Joseph Patterson of Watertown.

[3]Thomas Darling of Framingham.

November 7, 1746

1746 November 7 (Friday).  Snow, Cold, Blustering — and yet Sun shine.  Sent Colonel Wards Chair Home by my son Ebenezer — who brought Monsieur Calmetts Dictionary[1] volume I from Mr. Cushings.  ‘Rody and Jonathan Devereux help’d my sons husk at Eve, but twas very Cold.

[1]Augustin Calmet, An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary of the Holy Bible (London, 1732), 3 vols.

November 11, 1746

1746 November 11 (Tuesday).  I rode to Grafton — din’d at Mr. Prentice’s — where was Mr. Thomas Harringtons wife of Waltham.  Mr. Prentice and I walk’d to Mr. Joseph Batchellors — at Mr. Brooks[1] — at Mr. Winchesters.[2]  Visited old Mrs. Tabitha Fay[3] who is taken very bad.  At my own house and Barn Elizer Rice and 4 or 5 more are Husking, it being very moderate Weather.

[1]Ebenezer Brooks of Grafton.

[2]Benjamin Winchester.

[3]Mrs. Samuel Fay.

November 13, 1746

1746 November 13 (Thursday).  A.M. I rode to Deacon Newtons.  Visited old Mrs. Tabitha Fay.  P.M. proceeded to Mr. Francis Whipples whose Family (a Number of them) is sick.  Thence I went to Mr. James Maynards and to Ensign Rice’s.  N.B. Mrs. Rice’s inveighing against Mr. Martyn; against his prayers at Ensign Newtons Funeral.  She is greatly displeas’d with me for assisting in his Ordination.  I rode up to Colonel Ward,[1] who was too generous to ask anything for his Chair to Boston.  Was also at Dr. Smiths[2] as I return’d.

[1]Nahum Ward of Shrewsbury.

[2]Joshua Smith, the physician of Shrewsbury.

November 14, 1746

1746 November 14 (Friday).  At Eve Mr. Noah Brooks[1] of Grafton here — being in much perplexity and Difficulty not knowing what was his Duty respecting their approaching Sacrament.  Since he and others had complain’d of Ezekiel Cole[2] for his preaching and the Church had condemm’d him as disorderly, yet had lately voted him forgiveness if he would reform, notwithstanding they have had no Signs of his Repentence — nay have reason to fear he has had not Conviction of his offence.

[1]Son of Ebenezer Brooks.

[2]An uneducated preacher who was later ordained.  He became the minister of the Separatist Church in Sutton, 1751-1799.

November 27, 1746

1746 November 27 (Thursday).  Public Thanksgiving. I preach’d on Ps.  Disappointed of those whom we had design’d to dine with us — and had no Body but our own Folks.  I would fain remember those who are in Affliction or are slenderly provided. For what we have receiv’d the Lord make us truely Thankfull, and of the Number of those Children of Judah who Spiritually rejoice in Gods Judgments!  At Eve came Sir Williams from Marlborough and lodg’d here. N.B. He brought up Dr. Watts Sermon for me.

November 28, 1746

1746 November 28 (Friday).  Sir Williams bought my Volume of the works of the author of the whole Duty of Man for 8£, and he had my Dr. Clark’s Letters to Mr. Dodwell[1] for Dr. Watts Sermon.  He return’d to Sudbury.  Mr. Jenison came over from the Northside to keep School in the middle of the Town.

[1]Samuel Clarke, D.D., A Defense of an Argument made use of in a Letter [by Dr. Clarke] to Mr. Dodwel, to Prove the Immateriality and Natural Immortality of the Soul (London, 1707).  There followed an exchange of views in a series of pamphlets by Clarke and Henry Dodwell (1641-1711).

November 30, 1746

1746 November 30 (Sunday).  Sacrament.  Preach’d on 1 Pet. 1.18.19.  N.B. Mr. Jension at Sermon but not at Communion.  Deacon Fay and Mr. Kendall[1] of Suffield din’d here.  P.M. repeat’d Sermon on Ps. 119.106.  O may the Blood of the Son of God be precious to me and Since we have again Sworn it, may God afford us Grace to Perform etc!

[1]Joshua Kendall, an early settler.