February 19, 1746

1746 February 19 (Wednesday).  I rode to the Ordination of Mr. Matthew Bridge at Framingham. My son Ebenezer rode down also.  Entertain’d at Ensign Stones.  Great opposition by Captain Goddard[1] and others Yesterday and today.  The Council consisted of 11 Churches.  Mr. Loring Moderator and Mr. Stone Clerk.  The Council repair’d to the Meeting House before noon.  Mr. Cook of Sudbury pray’d.  Mr. Appleton[2] preach’d from 1 Cor. 13.1.2.  Then the Clerk read the Councils Result.  Mr. Loring gave the Charge, Mr. Williams[3] of Weston pray’d after the Charge, and gave the Right Hand.  An Exceeding great Throng attended.  May I have a suitable Impression upon my Spirits at the Remembrance of my own solemn Ordination!  Visited old Madam Swift.[4]  Mr. Cushing and Stone, and Mr. Briton the Clothier my Company in returning.  We call’d at both Mr. Britons and Mr. Stones.  Reach’d home in Comfort.  D.G. Moderate comfortable Weather.

[1]Edward Goddard.  These opposition charges were printed as A Brief Account (Boston, 1750).

[2]The Reverend Nathaniel Appleton of Cambridge.

[3]The Reverend William Williams.

[4]Widow of the Reverend John Swift.