February 3, 1746

1746 February 3 (Monday).  Town Meeting for Town Debts.  N.B. I sent in a Paper to the Town to Consider the Dammages I sustain by the long delay of my Dues – especially £82 old Tenor, from June 5 in the Year 1744 to October 20 of the same Year.  Eli Forbush here.  Letter from Mr. Jenison.[1]  Deacon Forbush, Beriah Rice — all upon the Same Thing, viz. to have me teach Eli and Asaph Rice.[2]  Brother Hicks here.  Sarah Henry at work here on Ebenezers Jackett etc.

[1]William Jenison, the former schoolmaster of Westborough.

[2][Additional footnote: Asaph Rice (1733-1816), Harvard 1752, was the son of Beriah and Mary (Goodnow) Rice of Westborough.  After graduation he taught school, tried his hand at the “practice of Physick,” worked with Eli Forbes at a mission, and then served as minister of Westminster.]

February 6, 1746

1746 February 6 (Thursday).  I preach’d at the Private Meeting at Lieutenant Tainters on Mat. 18.18.19.  My wife rode with me. We din’d there. O that the Lord Jesus Christ might meet with us in all our Meetings!  We were inform’d that Yesterday the Quarter sessions at Worcester abated the Rates of the Second Precinct to the Rate of £82 10 shillings to me from June 5 to October 20, 1744, and they gave Judgment also that the precincts proceedings had been invalid from the Beginning.

February 10, 1746

1746 February 10 (Monday).  A Precinct Meeting at which I was prepar’d to give an Answer to their Messages to Me last Year: But by what was determin’d last Week at Worcester Court in the Affair of the North precinct, this precinct were So alarm’d and Suspicious of the invalidity of their own Acts, as a precinct, from the Beginning, that they ventur’d not to do anything Further — save that they chose a Moderator and then pass’d every Vote after (upon the several Bills or Petitions which were carry’d in) in the Negative.  No Opportunity was given (nor by my Friends desir’d) for my Answer. N.B. Reckon’d with Deacon Newton. William Bois of Blanford was married to Mary Hamilton (Daughter in Law to Mr. Gamel).

February 11, 1746

1746 February 11 (Tuesday).  I rode out to see old Mr. Rogers and his wife who were Sick.  Then to see old Mr. Whipple, where was his son Francis. Talk’d of the present Confusion of the Town in both precincts.  I went also to see Captain Baker, and Spent Some with him upon the Public Affairs in Town and Precinct. Debated amicably and parted Peaceably.  Reckon’d with his Son Samuel. Neighbour Samuel Hardy Swingling Flax. Bright day but windy and Cold. N.B. I sent for Mr. Whipple and talk with him again upon the Confus’d state of the Town and precinct.  P.M. was at Captain Maynards. N.B. About the Time a New Trouble Still blew up: which Neighbour Beriah Rice acquaint’d me with, viz. Robert Bradish went from one house to another Exclaiming against Last Sabbath afternoon sermon, as being Corrupt and Damnable Doctrine — So much in Defence of Grace and to the Disparagement of Works in point of Justification before God.  But ‘tis a Favor that when this kind of Trial arises, I am complain’d of upon such Occasion as This. The Lord grant me suffering Grace in Suffering Time!

February 16, 1746

1746 February 16 (Sunday).  On Eph. 2.8.  Added a Defence of this Doctrine from innumerable Authoritys not only to shew the Truth but the Importance and Weight of it.  Read a Manuscript Extract of Mr. Lorings from Mr. Abraham Tailer[1] on Justification.  P.M. Repeat’d the remainder of Exposition of Mat. 11.12.

[1]The Reverend Abraham Taylor was a dissenting minister of England.

February 18, 1746

1746 February 18 (Tuesday).  I rode over to Mr. Biglo’s to see his Daughter that was Sick; and I proceeded to Mr. Barretts — who (as I before conceiv’d would be) was going down to a Council at Framingham previous to the Ordination of Mr. Matthew Bridge.[1]  I made a Visit to Captain Morris, who return’d with me to his sisters (Mrs. Barretts) with which we din’d.  N.B. Their Sister Barrett’s (Widow) House in an high wind took fire on the Roof — but by the help of the School Boys was Discover’d and Extinguish’d.  I return’d home at Eve, and marry’d Thomas Patrick and Sarah Johnson.  N.B. Neighbour Hardy riding with me inform’d that Mr. James Fay was this Day moving out of Westborough and Mr. Phinehas Hardy was moving in.

[1](Harvard 1741), minister of the church at Framingham, 1746-1775.  Sibley, XI, 8-11.

February 19, 1746

1746 February 19 (Wednesday).  I rode to the Ordination of Mr. Matthew Bridge at Framingham. My son Ebenezer rode down also.  Entertain’d at Ensign Stones.  Great opposition by Captain Goddard[1] and others Yesterday and today.  The Council consisted of 11 Churches.  Mr. Loring Moderator and Mr. Stone Clerk.  The Council repair’d to the Meeting House before noon.  Mr. Cook of Sudbury pray’d.  Mr. Appleton[2] preach’d from 1 Cor. 13.1.2.  Then the Clerk read the Councils Result.  Mr. Loring gave the Charge, Mr. Williams[3] of Weston pray’d after the Charge, and gave the Right Hand.  An Exceeding great Throng attended.  May I have a suitable Impression upon my Spirits at the Remembrance of my own solemn Ordination!  Visited old Madam Swift.[4]  Mr. Cushing and Stone, and Mr. Briton the Clothier my Company in returning.  We call’d at both Mr. Britons and Mr. Stones.  Reach’d home in Comfort.  D.G. Moderate comfortable Weather.

[1]Edward Goddard.  These opposition charges were printed as A Brief Account (Boston, 1750).

[2]The Reverend Nathaniel Appleton of Cambridge.

[3]The Reverend William Williams.

[4]Widow of the Reverend John Swift.

February 20, 1746

1746 February 20 (Thursday).  Great Change of Weather last night.  Today very Cold and windy.  Esquire Williams[1] of Stockbridge came at Eve, having left Mr. Lydius[2] at Boston, endeavouring to get French Prisoners, with which to redeem his Children from Canada.

[1]Ephraim Williams, a founder of Stockbridge.  See Sarah C. Sedgwick and Christina S. Marquand, Stockbridge 1739-1939 A Chronicle ([Great Barrington]), 1939), pp. 22-24.

[2]Johannes Lydius of Albany.  See Collections of the History of Albany (Albany, 1871), IV, 144.

February 22, 1746

1746 February 22 (Saturday).  The Day somewhat moderate.  Esquire Williams accompany’d to Worcester — and then I left him to prosecute his Journey to Brookfield.  I unhappily miss’d of Mr. Emmerson[1] who came from Worcester to preach at Westborough whilst I went there to gratifie the Request of the Committee at Worcester in administering the Ordinance of Baptism among them.  Lodg’d at Mr. Eatons.[2]

[1]Joseph Emerson (Harvard 1743), later the minister at Pepperell, 1746-1775.  Sibley, XI, 217-220.

[2]Joshua Eaton, a lawyer of Worcester.

February 23, 1746

1746 February 23 (Sunday).  Cloudy — at length Snow.  Preach’d at Worcester on John 1.11 and Rom. 6.13.  P.M. baptiz’d the Children.  See the Records.[1]  At Eve at Dr. Brecks[2] and lodg’d there.  In the Night the Wind rose exceeding high.

[1]Parkman recorded no baptisms or other church activities on or near this date in the Westborough Church Records.  [Additional note: Parkman may have referred to the records of the Worcester church.]

[2]Parkman’s brother-in-law, the physician of Worcester.


February 24, 1746

1746 February 24 (Monday).  Wind very high and Cold.  Broke fast at Colonel Chandlers.  Visited Mr. Crossby at the Jayl.  Return’d to the Colonel’s and din’d there.  P.M. return’d home calling in especially at Mr. Cushings, Major Keys and Colonel Nahum Ward.[1]  At this last was Mr. Martyn.[2]  N.B. Some free Conversation with them with reference to Westborough Town and Precinct Affairs: but fear what use they may make.  It shall be a warning.

[1]Prominent citizen of Shrewsbury.

[2]The Reverend John Martyn of the north precinct of Westborough.

February 26, 1746

1746 February 26 (Wednesday).  Preach’d at Southborough Preparatory Lecture on Rom. 6.13.  Return’d at Eve. N.B. was in at Mr. Jacob Amsdens going and returning.  Had a Mess of his boisterous windy Talk against — and manifesting dissatisfaction with me for my preaching and praying so much about the Spirit. N.B. Mr. Joseph Wood brought my Gold Buttons which I lost October 13, 1744, he having found them in the Road at Waltham last week.  Captain Maynard at Eve.