December 22, 1742

1742 December 22 (Wednesday).  Extraordinary pleasant Moderate Weather like Spring.  ‘Twas Said it did not so much as freeze last night.  I was not So well as yesterday, yet ventur’d down to the Kitchen so much as to look about.  Young Mr. Caleb Prentice[1] of Cambridge here.  Told me of the Religious Commotions last Sabbath and last night at Grafton.  Divers Neighbours to see me.  Mrs. Dolly Rice, Mrs. Winchester,[2] Mrs. Hephzibah Maynard,[3] old Mr. Mainard.[4]  N.B. Life of Rev. Mr. George Trosse.[5]

[1]This may have been the Caleb Prentice who kept a student rooming house and was father of Caleb Prentiss (1746-1803), Harvard 1765); SHG, 16:205.

[2]Elizabeth, second wife of Benjamin Winchester.

[3]Hephzibah Maynard was dismissed from the Marlborough church and admitted to the Westborough church, Apr. 10, 1737 (WCR, 44).

[4]Probably David Maynard, b. Dec. 21, 1669, son of John and Mary Maynard.  He was one of the original members of the church (WCR, 379).

[5]The Life of the Reverend Mr. Geo. Trosse, Late Minister of the Gospel in The City of Exon, who Died January 11th, 1712/13. In the Eighty Second Year of his Age, Written by Himself, and Publish’d According to his Order. To which is added, the Sermon Preach’d at his Funeral. By J.H. [Joseph Hallet].  Exon: Printed by Jos. Bliss, for Richard White, Merchant, and sold by him at his House near the Elephant in Northgate-Street, as also by Hen. White, at Mr. Burridge’s, grocer, in Southgate-Street, [1714].  There were at least two other contemporary versions of Trosse’s Life.