June 4, 1740

1740 June 4 (Wednesday).  Rode over, and Mr. Hezekiah How with me, to the Burying of John Hambleton.  My Conversation with Mr. McAllister[1] respecting his Troubles on account of his Daughter Elizabeth who was Suppos’d to have run away last Sabbath Night with John Hudson[2] of Marlborough to Hampton to be marryed.  Hicks finish’d weeding.

[1]John McAllister (McCollester, McCollister) lived in the northern part of Westborough that later became Northborough.

[2]John Hudson and Elizabeth McAllister were married; they resided first in Marlborough and then in Berlin, Mass.  He fought in the French and Indian War, and he and eight sons saw service in the Revolution.  Hudson, Marlborough, 400.