June 1, 1740

1740 June 1 (Sunday).  A.M. I preach’d on Matt. 22.5, Repeating Sermon 808, 809.  Lieutenant Ward[1] and his Wife and Child, of Sturbridge, and Mr. Benjamin Lawrence[2] din’d with us.  John Hamleton alive yet.  After Dinner came Mr. Park[3] of Westerly and his Brother of Holliston, from Grafton where there was no meeting.  Mr. Park preach’d on Matt. 18.3.  N.B. Lieutenant Ward requested Baptism for his Child, but on Consideration of Disquietments between Him and the Church of Sturbridge, for some time Subsisting I pray’d him to wave the matter till I had Opportunity to examine into the State of his Case.  He produc’d that Church’s vote of Acquittance and Charity with him but it being Dated so long ago as November and he manifesting great uncharitableness and laying heavy Charges upon that Church I still pray’d him to forbear insisting for Special privileges (though he be a member of that Church) till further Consideration, and because likewise it happened’d to be a Sabbath upon which we had many strangers from divers Towns round about who would have no right to be in what had pass’d at Sturbridge, etc. — upon which he withheld.  Mr. Park tarried and lodg’d, but his Brother return’d to Holliston.

[1]Benjamin Ward.

[2]Of Westborough.

[3]Rev. Joseph Parke (HC 1724), minister of the First Congregational Church, Westerly, R.I., 1733-1777.  SHG, 7:415-421.

June 2, 1740

1740 June 2 (Monday).  I wrote to Mr. Rice[1] of Sturbridge by Mr. Stearns[2] of Stoughton.  Hicks[3] weeding.  N.B. I rode to see John Hambleton, at his Request by Eliazar Johnson.  Now he had Hope.

[1]Rev. Caleb Rice.

[2]Ebenezer Stearns, later minister of the Baptist Church in Easton, Mass., 1761-1766.  William L. Chaffin, History of the Town of Easton, Mass.  (Cambridge, 1886), 178-179.

[3]John Hicks, Parkman’s brother-in-law.

June 3, 1740

1740 June 3 (Tuesday).  Lieutenant Ward[1] and his wife here again in their journey Home, and he  more fully acquaint’d me with his Case.  Late p.m. I rode over to Stephen Fays and Lieutenant Bakers.  Had a Message that John Hambleton dy’d yesterday, but a little while after I left him.  Hicks weeding.  Mr. Aaron Smith here whilst I was from home.

[1]The son of Increase Ward of Westborough.

June 4, 1740

1740 June 4 (Wednesday).  Rode over, and Mr. Hezekiah How with me, to the Burying of John Hambleton.  My Conversation with Mr. McAllister[1] respecting his Troubles on account of his Daughter Elizabeth who was Suppos’d to have run away last Sabbath Night with John Hudson[2] of Marlborough to Hampton to be marryed.  Hicks finish’d weeding.

[1]John McAllister (McCollester, McCollister) lived in the northern part of Westborough that later became Northborough.

[2]John Hudson and Elizabeth McAllister were married; they resided first in Marlborough and then in Berlin, Mass.  He fought in the French and Indian War, and he and eight sons saw service in the Revolution.  Hudson, Marlborough, 400.

June 8, 1740

1740  June 8 (Sunday).  Mal. 3.14.  P.M. repeated on Mat. 22.5.  Mrs. Stone of Thompson in Killingley and Deacon Forbush’s[1] wife din’d with us.  N.B. read the Letter from Marlborough.  See Church Records.[2]

[1]Jonathan Forbush.

[2]Marlborough requested that Parkman and two delegates from Westborough attend the ordination of Aaron Smith.  Deacon Fay and Forbush were chosen.  Westborough Church Records, June 8, 1740.

June 10, 1740

1740 June 10 (Tuesday).  Thomas Hall came for my wife and she went with him to Marlborough.  I rode to Neighbour Seth Rices and Deacon Tomlins.[1]  Lucy ill in the Night.  Hezekiah Tomlin[2] came into the House while we were asleep in the Night and lay in the Garrett on the wool till the morning unperceiv’d — And went off as Slyly likewise.

[1]Isaac Tomlin.

[2]Son of the deacon.

June 11, 1740

1740 June 11 (Wednesday).  Deacon Fay and Deacon Forbush accompany’d me to Marlborough to the Ordination of Mr. Aaron Smith.  The Council being form’d, the Church was call’d.  Mr. Jabez Ward,[1] Strengthened by Colonel Woods[2] and Mr. William Witt,[3] Objected First, against the Council, alledging that it was not what the Church of Marlborough had chose but what their Committee for appointing the Time of the Ordination and who had no Authority to go any further, had chose.  This was answer’d from the Votes of the Church.  Secondly that the Church were not ripe for ordaining Mr. Smith, for he had never seen, or Consented to their Original Covenant.  This was removed by his Consenting to a Covenant which the Church, upon its being read to them, acknowledged and accepted.  He further debated, and alledged many Things, and frequently repeated and insisted upon the Same over again.  Mr. William Witt objected against the Council and so not owning them as such had prepar’d no reasons, but had divers to offer if there might be a regular Council call’d, and time to prepare himself.  The Council noted that the Church had been regular in their Calling and choosing of this Council, nor any infringement of their Privileges, it having been their own proper act, and that the agrieved had had Sufficient Time to prepare themselves with their Reasons.  Colonel Woods offer’d (as he Said) not by way of Objection or Opposition, but by way of Self Defence, what the hasty and precipitant proceeding of the Church had been, and his great Dissatisfaction therewith, which the Council by Examining the Records or Minutes thereof found to be very different (in their Apprehension) from what the Colonel had represented, and especially as to the Choice, the coming to the Choice, and the renewing and strengthening of it — it being by Continuation and adjournment November latter End to December 24 and the last meeting not till some time in February.  The Colonel urg’d that not thinking the Church would come to a Choice neither he nor many Others of them acted — But it was made Evident that both Church and Town were fully apprized Sufficient time beforehand what the Business was, and might have come and acted if they had pleas’d — but that those persons were plainly desirous to clogg and impede the Church’s Settlement.  When the Colonel declar’d his unpreparedness to offer his Reasons against Mr. Smiths settlement there, the Council desir’d him to reveal what the Reasons were if he did not offer the Defence of them.  Colonel said he judg’d him unqualify’d for the Gospel ministry.  Upon this the Council read the Testimonials of Sundry Ministers in the County of Essex concerning him; and the Moderator had given an Account of his Examination by a number of ministers at the Church’s express Desire, and the Result of it.  And as to ordaining him without hearing him preach, there being but few in the Council, to be sure of the ministers, but what had, They who were of that number, that had not gave the Council to understand that they had taken equivalent Methods for Satisfaction in his ability for public Exercises, and were satisfy’d.  Then the Council voted that they were ready (having chose a person to give the Charge — This was done at the Churchs express Desire — and another to give the Right Hand) to proceed to the Public Service.  And the Church likewise voted that they were ready.  Four o’Clock p.m., Mr. Williams of Weston pray’d.  Mr. Wigglesworth preach’d on 1 Tim. 4.16.  Mr. Prentice[4] gave the Charge, and Mr. Loring[5] the Right Hand.  Sung Ps.  After supper Mr. Stone, Mr. Daniel Rogers,[6] of College, and several others of us went to see the Colonel.  N.B. Dr. Gott no hand in any of the Business of the Church or Council to Day.  Deacon Brown[7] of Weston rode with us as far as Captain Warrins.  Late before we got home.

[1]Ward was one of a group of residents of eastern Marlborough, who in the period 1738-1744 were endeavoring to divide the town.  Hudson, Marlborough, 128-130.

[2]Benjamin Woods.

[3]Son of John Witt of Marlborough.

[4]Rev. Solomon Prentice of Grafton.

[5]Rev. Israel Loring of Sudbury.

[6](HC 1725).  A tutor at Harvard College, and later minister at Exeter, N.H., 1748-1785.  SHG, 7:554-560.

[7]Benjamin Brown.  Lamson, Weston, 12.

June 12, 1740

1740 June 12 (Thursday).  Lieutenant King of Suffield, and his New marry’d wife (who was Mrs. Hannah Devotion)[1] was here and din’d with us.  P.M. Mr. Wigglesworth,[2] Mr. Prentice, Deacon Thorn[3] and Mr. Adams (the Two last of Ipswich) came.  Mr. Prentice went home to Grafton and Deacon Thorn to Shrewsbury.  The rest went with my wife and me to a raising Supper at Ensign Maynards.  Mr. Wigglesworth lodg’d here.

[1]Daughter of the Rev. Ebenezer Devotion of Suffield.

[2]Edward Wigglesworth, D.D., Professor of Divinity at Harvard College.

[3]John Thorn.

June 13, 1740

1740 June 13 (Friday).  Mr. Wigglesworth’s Horse and my Mare got out of the pasture and had got down to Mr. Jacob Amsdens before sun rise.  His young Man brought ‘em back to us.  My wife and I waited on Mr. Wigglesworth to Mr. Whipples where we din’d, and thence we rode up to Mr. Joseph Knowltons,[1] and they would fain have perswaded us to ride up with them to Mr. Abraham Knowltons but I return’d.  Mr. Caleb Rice and his Brother Payson[2] here.  N.B. Our Conversation on the Affair of Lieutenant Ward.

[1]Joseph Knowlton and his wife Abigail were admitted to the Shrewsbury church in March, 1733.  Ward, Shrewsbury, 348.

[2]Parson Rice had married Priscilla, daughter of Capt. Jonathan Payson of Woodstock, January 8, 1737.

June 15, 1740

1740 June 15 (Sunday).  I was not very well in the Morning, But Mr. Smith came from Marlborough to preach for me, yet with this proviso that I would go and preach for Mr. Prentice of Grafton who was ill.  I undertook it, but could not perform with Life and Vigour.  A.M. I preach’d on Ps. 73.24.  P.M. on 2 Pet. 1.10.  At Eve there was So great likelihood of Storm of Rain that I rode home being oblig’d to preach the next Day.  Mr. Smith went to Marlborough before I got home.

June 18, 1740

1740 June 18 (Wednesday).  Mr. Baynes[1] of Marlborough paving my back Yard.  Mrs. Thankfull Rice here.  Hicks on the Barn.  Wrote to Mr. Noyes[2] of New-haven, and my Wife to Mrs. Pierpoints.[3]  My wife and I din’d at Ensign Maynards, and after Dinner Mrs. Maynard rode with us over to Mr. Howards to see their sick Children, suppos’d to have the Throat Disease.  Rainy Return home.

[1]William Bains.

[2]Rev. Joseph Noyes of New Haven.

[3]Widow of the Rev. James Pierpont on New Haven.

June 19, 1740

1740 June 19 (Thursday).  Baynes paving — Hicks shingling.  My wife and I rode over to Deacon Forbush and din’d there.  The Deacon and his wife with us, we went to Mr. Daniel Forbush, Mr. Millers and Lieutenant Tainters.  Lieutenant Tainter and his wife accompany’d us home.  Jotham Maynard and Abigail Allen were marry’d.

June 24, 1740

1740 June 24 (Tuesday).  I rode over to Mr. Thomas Goodenow’s, To Mr. Allens,[1] Mr. McCallisters whose child was Sick, Caruths,[2] Oakes,[3] Captain Eagers.[4]  Din’d at Mr. Bezaleel Eagers.[5] Mr. Maverick[6] of Stratford on his Journey home, overtook me as I was riding up to Mr. Robert Allens.[7]  I rode with him as far as to Mr. Cushings, return’d home about 5 p.m.  Mr. Lyon of New Haven, Brazier, here.  At Eve came Brother Breck[8] from Springfield, and with him Brother Samuel Breck,[9] who was upon his Journey from College to Springfield.  The Scholars being dispers’d by reason of the prevalency of Throat distemper at Cambridge for which Reason the Commencement is also deferr’d for Six weeks.

[1]Ephraim Allen lived in that part of Westborough that later became Northborough.

[2]John Caruth.

[3]Nathaniel Oak.

[4]James Eager, an early resident of Westborough.

[5]Son of Capt. James Eager.

[6]Paul Maverick.  Samuel Orcutt, A History of the Old Town of Stratford and the City of Bridgeport, Conn.  (New Haven, 1886), 2:1244.

[7]Of Shrewsbury.

[8]Rev. Robert Breck, Jr.

[9](HC 1741).  Later a surgeon of Springfield.

June 25, 1740

1740 June 25 (Wednesday).  Mr. Breck to Boston, Brother Samuel to Springfield.  I rode up to Grafton to their Fast on account of the Throat Distemper.  P.M. Mr. Prentice pray’d and Mr. Hall preach’d on Job 5.8.9.  Mr. Cushing pray’d p.m. and I preach’d on Hos. 14.1.  Rode home in the Eve accompany’d by Captain Fay and Mr. Jonathan Whipple.

June 28, 1740

1740 June 28 (Saturday).  I rode over (unsent for) to the Funeral of Mr. Haywards son Simeon who dy’d (as ‘twas thought) of the Throat Distemper.  N.B. a great Mortality at Cambridge by it, especially in President Holyokes[1] and Steward Boardmans[2] Familys.  At Southborough also.  N.B. Mr. Moody[3] of York at Sudbury that Mr. Loring might be with Mr. Edmund Brown at York, for the Murther of [blank] Bryant in the Gaol.  Edward Whipple mowed for me, at the East End and back of the Barn.

[1]Edward Holyoke, President of Harvard College.

[2]Andrew Bordman (HC 1719), the steward at Harvard College.  SHG, 6:295-296,

[3]Rev. Samuel Moody (HC 1697), minister at York, Maine, 1698-1747.  SHG, 4:356-365.

June 29, 1740

1740 June 29 (Sunday).  I was in no Small Conflict of Mind about my Sermons, having been hindred and call’d from Home most of the Days this Week.  At length I determined to repeat my sermon on Matt. 24.44, from Luke 12.40, the latter on the account of the terrible Judgment of the Throat Distemper.  Lieutenant Holloway, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Thurston and Mrs. Walker at Dinner.  P.M. Rain.

June 30, 1740

1740 June 30 (Monday).  My wife, furnished with Lieutenant Tainters Horse, Set out with me for Cambridge.  N.B. Several Familys on the Road in Southborough very Sick of the Throat Distemper.  At Lieutenant Brighams, 5; at Mr. Ephraim Wards (who bury’d Two Children on Saturday last and his wife but a little before) Several.  We got to Watertown so as to dine (at 2 or 3 o’Clock) at Mr. Benjamin’s.  We were at Cambridge so Seasonably as to go to Boston and Lead up our Horses.  We lodg’d at Brother Parkmans.  Our Honored Mother Comfortable.  Brother Elias remains much as he was — Very unable to help himself, His Reason Good, but his Passions Weak, and Soon in Excess, of Joy, Grief, etc.