1738 December 31 (Sunday). Cold, p.m. Snowy. Concluded the Year with Rev. 20.12 and Discourse before the Baptism of my Daughter Elizabeth God hath Sworn on Mal. 3.17. My Wife Easier to Day. Rebecca Hicks[1] watch’d. As I have renewed my Engagement unto God and given up my Self and mine to Him, So, on the other Hand, God himself hath Sworn that they that Fear Him Shall be His in the Day that He will make up his Jewells. And O that We might be of that number! And that this Dear Infant in particular may be a rich Jewell in the Cabinet of God! In finishing the Year God enable me to have a reallizing thought of the finishing of all Things, and that Great Day of the Eternal Doom for all both Small and Great, that I may be found ready for it whenever it Shall break forth!
[1]Mrs. John Hicks, Parkman’s sister-in-law.