1738 December 7 (Thursday). Mr. Checkley[1] on Amos 3.2 at public Lecture. N.B. great Trouble occasion’d by my having an hat left me in the Pew which was not mine by (as I found the next Day) Mr. Daniel Lagg of Cambridge. Din’d at Brother Samuels. At Eve John consented to be bound and go up with me forthwith. Whilst I was concern’d about the means and way of getting John up to Westborough Brother Hicks was at Brother Elias’s. By various impediments we were hinder’d going over the Ferry till after nine o’Clock at night, but they ferry’d over, Brother and John and my Self for 2/6. Rode to Cambridge. Lodg’d John at the blue Anchor,[2] whilst Brother and I with our Horses were taken care of at Mr. Whittemore’s.[3] N.B. Mr. Whittemore and wife and their sister Fisher from Boston not till after 12. A Cold Night.
[1]Reverend Samuel Checkley (Harvard 1715), later minister of the Second Church of Boston, 1747-1768. Sibley, VI, 74-78.
[2]An old tavern in Cambridge operated at this time by Joseph Bean. Paige, Cambridge, pp. 225-226.
[3]Probably Deacon Samuel Whittemore of Cambridge.