1738 November 1 (Wednesday). Mr. Palmer had my Horse to go to Worcester his own being Lame. Mr. Manning, Hastings and Hicks din’d with us. Mr. Palmer return’d and he and Mr. Manning lodg’d here.
Month: November 1738
November 2, 1738
1738 November 2 (Thursday). Mr. Palmer etc. return’d home. Church Meeting. See Records.[1] Had a pair of Turkeys of Mr. Jonathan Bellows brought home.
[1]The church debarred Samuel Fay from the communion because he had prevented his wife from coming to church. On Dec. 17, 1738 Fay’s acknowledgement of his offence was accepted.
November 3, 1738
1738 November 3 (Friday). [No entry.]
November 4, 1738
1738 November 4 (Saturday). The Boys dug potatoes. Aaron Forbush, junior, and his Brother Benjamin dug p.m.
November 5, 1738
1738 November 5 (Sunday). 2 Cor. 12.2 and 1 Pet. 4.4.
November 6, 1738
1738 November 6 (Monday). Rainy. Town meeting again about a Meeting House, but it fell through for want of selectmen.
November 7, 1738
November 8, 1738
1738 November 8 (Wednesday). Fine Weather Still. I rode up to Mr. Garfields Lime Kiln now in Burning. Return’d by James Maynards whom I visited as he is Slowly creeping up from his low Condition, and his little son John worse again. N.B. Molly[1] went with Mr. Tainter up to Mr. Joseph Miles’s and then home with Mr. Tainter.
[1]Parkman’s oldest child, Mary.
November 9, 1738
1738 November 9 (Thursday). My wife rode with me to visit upon the North side of the Town. Din’d at Captain Eagers and proceeded up to the Bowkers. Supp’d at Lieutenant Holloways. N.B. I bought a Swine of him for which I agreed to give him 3£. In returning we visited Mr. Josiah Rice, whose wife was sick of a Fever.
November 10, 1738
November 11, 1738
1738 November 11 (Saturday). Abraham Moss here. He mention’d a mistake he thought was made in the Counting the money which was paid him, which expos’d him to loose 20 shillings.
November 12, 1738
November 13, 1738
1738 November 13 (Monday). The Cold increas’d and was very pinching. Ty’d up as many Cattle as we could.
November 14, 1738
1738 November 14 (Tuesday). More Moderate. Training Day. Andrew [Cwees?] brought the Swine which I bought of Lieutenant Holloway last week, price 3£.
November 15, 1738
1738 November 15 (Wednesday). Sister Hicks[1] brought to bed of her 10th Child — my wife over there till 5 o’Clock this morning. Mr. Aaron Forbush came to go up to Wachuset. Ensign Maynard rode with us to Captain Eagers and Lieutenant Holloways but the Rain prevail’d so that we return’d back after dining with Lieutenant Holloways. N.B. snow’d this morning.
[1]Mrs. John Hicks of Westborough, Parkman’s sister-in-law.
November 16, 1738
1738 November 16 (Thursday). Rainy.
November 17, 1738
1738 November 17 (Friday). [No entry.]
November 19, 1738
1738 November 19 (Sunday). Eccl. 9.3; Ps. 51.15.
November 20, 1738
1738 November 20 (Monday). Sold Mr. Tainter 3 Largest Weathers I had. Eve I visited Mr. Noah Rice’s wife who was very sick and dejected. Very cold Night.
November 21, 1738
1738 November 21 (Tuesday). Snow.
November 22, 1738
1738 November 22 (Wednesday). [No entry.]
November 23, 1738
1738 November 23 (Thursday). Thanksgiving. Heb. 13.15.16. Neighbour Joseph Green Supp’d with us. A very Cold Day.
November 24, 1738
1738 November 24 (Friday). Ensign Maynard and I reckon’d and settled accounts. Deacon Newton here at Evening.
November 25, 1738
November 26, 1738
1738 November 26 (Sunday). Sacrament. Matth. 22.12. Ps. 74.17. Very cold. 3 Deacons and Neighbour Thomas Bruce din’d with us. P.M. Snow.
November 27, 1738
1738 November 27 (Monday). Out of wood, except very great Loggs. Stephen Maynard at my desire brought a Load. Town Meeting the 4th Time about a Meeting House or repairing the old one, or Dividing the Town. N.B. 23 votes out of 47 for the first. Mr. Tainter[1] alone my Butcher in killing the old Cow. Weight 327, Tallow 42, Hide 50. Sold the hide to Captain Eager for 25 Shillings. I was at Ensign Maynards in the Eve. N.B. Lucy Forbush came to work for us.
[1]Deacon Simon Tainter.
November 28, 1738
November 29, 1738
1738 November 29 (Wednesday). Mrs. Dorothy Rice[1] here. We rode over to see sister Hicks. We supp’d there. Brother Samuel Breck[2] came up to see us, and tarried.
[1]Wife of Seth Rice, son of Edmund Rice, an original settler of Westborough.
[2]Parkman’s brother-in-law, the son of the late Reverend Robert Breck of Marlborough.
November 30, 1738
1738 November 30 (Thursday). Read Andrew Marvels[1] Rehearsal transpos’d.[2] Evening made up accounts with Mr. Hezekiah How. N.B. Mr. Ebenezer Johnson of Southborough and others here.
[1]Andrew Marvell (1621-1678), an English poet and satirist.
[2]The Rehearsal Transpros’d, or Animadversions upon a late book intituled ‘A Preface showing what Grounds there are of Fears and Jealousies of Popery’ (1672).