1738 December 28 (Thursday). At about 4 in the morning Mrs. Forbush call’d me up with great earnestness to gather some women together. It was very Cold, and I ran on foot to sister Hicks and to old Mrs. Knowlton — sent to Mrs. Maynard and rode to Mrs. Byles, all which came together by Daybreak. We were in the Article of Distress. About Seven o’Clock my Fourth Daughter was born. An exceeding Small Child and great doubt whether it would continue alive. But my wife in a good State, through the wondrous Goodness and Mercy of God. A Cold Day. Sent Ebenezer Maynard to Dr. Gotts, and to call Mrs. Mary Sherman[1] to Nurse. N.B. Sear’d the Ox which continued bleeding. N.B. Suse Cutting,[2] being married to John Rogers, as I concluded, is come up to dwell at Neighbour Rogers’s. Nurse watch’d.
[1]Mrs. John Sherman of Marlborough.
[2]John Rogers of Westborough married Susanna Cuttin in Watertown Dec. 26, 1738.