April 6, 1738

1738 April 6 (Thursday).  Mr. Pratt, with his Cattle, Brother Hicks’s and my own, to which we added Mr. Rogers’s in the Afternoon broke up the Grass Ground on the West and South of the old House.  P.M. I visited Mr. Josiah Russells Child which was Sick.  Cloudy and Raw weather yet.  Mr. Pratt, p.m., plough’d Stubble Ground.

April 10, 1738

1738 April 10 (Monday).  I rode to Marlborough.  Mr. Burr (who preach’d at Marlborough yesterday for Mr. Bliss) was there when I went down.  Conversation with him about Bedforth Lands in Connecticut.  Din’d at Dr. Gotts.  Talk’d with Ensign Gotham Ward touching what had been reported of the neighbouring ministers in the Affair of Marlborough against Mr. Benjamin Kent.[1]  In returning Home, had Colonel William Wards Company.  N.B. Took down a Jack at Father Breck’s.[2]

[1]Minister of Marlborough.

[2]Home of the late Reverend Robert Breck of Marlborough, father of Parkman’s second wife.

April 18, 1738

1738 April 18 (Tuesday).  Brother Hicks and his wife rode upon my Horse to Cambridge.  The Association met at our House, Viz. Mr. Prentice[1] of Lancaster, Mr. Loring,[2] Mr. Cushing, Mr. Stone of Southborough, Mr. Prentice of Grafton (who also brought his Spouse with him).  Mr. Jabez Richardson[3] and Mr. Andrew Boardman likewise came.  No Body was prepared to give a Concio.  At their Request I repeated my Discourse on Eph. 3.10.  Our Conversation turn’d upon the Affairs of Marlborough as they respected the Settlement of Mr. Bliss among them.  Mr. Stone and Mr. Boardman left us.

[1]Reverend John Prentice.

[2]Reverend Israel Loring of Sudbury.

[3](Harvard 1730), an itinerant preacher and schoolmaster at Woburn.  Sibley, VIII, 778.

April 19, 1738

1738 April 19 (Wednesday).  Mr. Bliss and Mr. Haven came.  Mr. Prentice of Grafton laid some Difficultys he was labouring under, before us.  Mr. Prentice the Moderator gave Mr. Bliss reasons why he Suppos’d the Association would not look upon themselves call’d to meddle with the Affairs of Marlborough.  The Moderator preach’d the public Lecture on Ps. 73.25.  I pray’d the Church to receive their Votes for a Deacon or Deacons.  The First (which was not ripen’d till the 3d Trial) was for Brother Thomas Forbush, For whom (at last there were 24 Votes out of 36 Members).  Then the Church unanimously mov’d for a second to be Chosen — to which I consented.  But seeing the Association were waiting for me I (with the Church’s Consent) appointed Deacon Fay to receive the Church’s Votes whilst I withdrew.  When I returned I found they had chosen Brother Seth Rice to be the other Deacon.[1]

[1]See Church Records, April 19 and May 25, 1738.  Both Thomas Forbush, Jr., and Seth Rice declined election.