1738 March 1 (Wednesday). Expected my Kinsman but in vain. N.B. Our Brethrens Interest in Marlborough sold by auction for 113£.
Month: March 1738
March 2, 1738
1738 March 2 (Thursday). Lecture on Gal. 6.15. Church Meeting. See the Records.
March 3, 1738
1738 March 3 (Friday). Brother Breck and my Kinsman return’d and din’d with us. P.M. Brother Breck went from us on his Journey to Springfield.
March 4, 1738
1738 March 4 (Saturday). Fine Weather — invites to Guardening. The Chive and parsely Sprung.
March 5, 1738
1738 March 5 (Sunday). Rain. Sacrament. Heb. 10.35. P.M. Exod. 18.21. Mr. Greaves, Deacon Fay and his wife din’d with us. Very much tir’d at night.
March 6, 1738
1738 March 6 (Monday). Town meeting. Chose only 4 select men all Day. Rain, Cold.
March 7, 1738
1738 March 7 (Tuesday). Adjournment of Town Meeting. Grows Cold again. N.B. Mr. Jonathan Forbush helped me in laying a front Hearth Stone in my Study.
March 8, 1738
1738 March 8 (Wednesday). Cold, windy Day. Visited old Mr. Thomas Forbush. My Kinsman (accommodated with Mr. Francis Whipples Horse) rode with me to Shrewsbury. N.B. Mr. Cushing gone to Lancaster. N.B. A Meeting of the Proprietors of the Houssatunnoc Township No. 3[1] at Captain Daniel Hows. And on Consideration of my paying 15£ I was admitted into their Society. N.B. The peculiar Friendliness of those who were Westborough Members, and especially of Mr. James Miller, who in a Singular manner espoused my Cause. The remaining Right (of the Seven that were to be disposed of) was sold to the highest Bidder for 26 10s. Late in the night when we got home, and very Cold, but through the Goodness of God we got home Safe and well.
[1]Later the town of Sheffield, Mass.
March 9, 1738
1738 March 9 (Thursday). Catechizing at the Meeting House forenoon and Afternoon.
March 10, 1738
1738 March 10 (Friday). I visited old Mr. Thomas Forbush being esteemed to be near his End. He acknowledged his Passionateness, and rash Speaking, especially in the Times of our Contention, and ask’d forgiveness.
March 11, 1738
1738 March 11 (Saturday). A very sharp Storm, — the Snow deep for it fell all Day.
March 12, 1738
1738 March 12 (Sunday). I had prepar’d a Discourse to Wives, but I did not care to deliver it because there were So few at meeting. I repeated a. and p.m. Sermon on Gal. 6.15.
March 13, 1738
1738 March 13 (Monday). It was a Day appointed to get Wood for me, but the Depths of the Snow prevented Captain Eager and his Neighbours. But Captain Warrin and his Son Jonas came with a good Strong Team, and Neighbour Aaron Hardy and his Boy, Samuel Forbush (son of the Ensign) and Charles Bruce, and in the afternoon John Rogers and John Bradish came; and they got me a good Pile, 10 very large Loads, though it was heavy, troublesome Stirring and but one Team.
March 14, 1738
1738 March 14 (Tuesday). A.M. John Rogers with their Oxen and mine sledded stones from the Chimney of the Old House, but the Rain prevail’d upon us in so much that we were beat off before noon. N.B. Lieutenant Holloway[1] brought News from my mother, Brother, etc., with Flower, etc. N.B. Mr. Wheeler here. Talk of Jason again.
[1]William Holloway of Westborough.
March 15, 1738
1738 March 15 (Wednesday). Very much troubled with the Tooth ach by means of the Cold I took yesterday.
March 16, 1738
1738 March 16 (Thursday). The Tooth ach prevails upon me.
March 17, 1738
1738 March 17 (Friday). With great difficulty attend’d at all to my Studys, by means of Pain.
March 18, 1738
1738 March 18 (Saturday). Blistering relieves me as it has been wont, but am much indispos’d.
March 19, 1738
1738 March 19 (Sunday). On Eph. 5.22.33. N.B. So ill a Night last that when I awak’d in the morning I concluded I Should not be able to go to meeting. But Samuel Forbush came with an Earnest Request from his dying Grandfather that I would step down to him. I rose, and wrapping up well I ventur’d, pray’d with him, etc. As the Day rose I grew more lively, and by Divine Favour I got through the Exercises. N.B. Mr. Samuel Mason[1] of Stonington din’d and Supp’d and lodg’d here.
[1]Descendant of Captain John Mason of Pequot War fame.
March 20, 1738
1738 March 20 (Monday). Under Indisposition still and great Fear of the Return of the Rheumatism. N.B. Old Mr. Forbush dy’d last night about 10 o’Clock. Mr. Mason rode to Mr. Peabodys.
March 21, 1738
1738 March 21 (Tuesday). A Dull Day but I ventur’d out being it was the Funeral of old Mr. Forbush. N.B. Mr. Reuben Maynard of Shrewsbury brought home the Pork I bought of him. The weight was 239£. Mr. Tainter was so kind as to come and Cutt it out and Salt it down.
March 22, 1738
March 23, 1738
1738 March 23 (Thursday). Mr. Daniel Whitney of Watertown here with Mr. Tainter, having been up to view Mr. Thomas Wards Farm.
March 24, 1738
1738 March 24 (Friday). [No entry.]
March 25, 1738
1738 March 25 (Saturday). [No entry.]
March 26, 1738
1738 March 26 (Sunday). On Ps. 146.3.4.
March 27, 1738
1738 March 27 (Monday). Captain Abraham Williams[1] here and din’d with us. P.M. My wife and Kinsman, with Captain Williams and me, rode to Cousin Winchester, who had lately lain in, and leaving my wife, we rode to Grafton. But Mr. Prentice was gone to Cambridge. Captain Williams, in returning, continued his Journey to Marlborough, but we stay’d So long at Cousen Winchester as to sup.
[1]Parkman’s brother-in-law of Marlborough.
March 28, 1738
1738 March 28 (Tuesday). My Wife and Kinsman and I were at Ensign Maynards at Eve.
March 29, 1738
1738 March 29 (Wednesday). Proprietors Meeting of the Houssatunnock Township No. 3. A mistake of Date of what was transacted at last Meeting at Shrewsbury by which what was then done is render’d somewhat uncertain. N.B. Some Considerable writing done of Conveyance of Titles, etc.
March 30, 1738
1738 March 30 (Thursday). My Kinsman left us, upon my Horse, accompany’d by Mr. Francis Whipple. Did something at Gardening.
March 31, 1738
1738 March 31 (Friday). [No entry.]