1736 November 28 (Sunday). Mat. VI.32.33.34. Mrs. Townsend[1] (wife of Benjamin) dined with us. Received from Mr. Hezekiah Ward[2] (of New Medfield) Mr. Rob. Camell’s Three Sermons[3] and read ‘em this Evening.
[1]Susannah Townsend, wife of Benjamin Townsend, whom Parkman listed among the first inhabitants of Westborough (WCR, flyleaf).
[2]Hezekiah Ward of New Medfield (Sturbridge).
[3]Robert Camell, I. The great benefit of afflictions: II. The long-suffering of God, with respect to sinful communities. III. The duty of Christ’s ministers, and the offence of some taken at their doctrine ; considered. In three sermons, preached in St. Nicholas’s church and St. George’s chapel, in Great Yarmouth, at several times in the years 1724, and 1725 (London: Printed; and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich, 1726).