1736 November 19 (Friday). Though it was very cold and raw yet I undertook to carry my Daughter Molly to Westborough and through Divine Goodness she bore the Journey very well. N.B. We called at Mr. George Cuttings[1] at Waterton to speak with his Daughter Lydia[2] to come and keep my House, but she was at Mr. Amos Waits at Framingham, where I Spoke with her. N.B. Snow from Mr. Swifts to Mr. Stone’s but a clear Evening. N.B. A Boy of about 14 killed yesterday at Watertown, by a Timber falling upon his Head and mashing it against another Timber. My Family in my absence had been well and Comfortable. Deo Gr.!
[1]George Cutting, b. Apr. 26, 1686, son of John and Susan Cutting; Records of Births Deaths and Marriages: First Book and Supplement, 58, separately paginated supplement to Watertown Records Comprising the First and Second Books of Town Proceedings with the Lands Grants and Possessions also the Proprietors’ Book and the First Book and Supplement of Births Deaths and Marriages (Watertown, MA: The Historical Society, 1894). George Cutting mar. Mary Brown, Jan. 31, 1709/10; ibid., 44.
[2]Lydia, dau. of of George and Mary Cutting, b. Feb. 3, 1711; ibid., 43.