1736 November 16 (Tuesday). Mrs. Maynard, Mrs. Jemima and I rode to Boston. As Soon as I had Waited upon my Mother <words crossed out> I visited Mrs. Hannah Breck whom I found confined to her Chamber, and had been So ever Since the awfull Death of her Uncle. I dined with Mr. Pierpont and Madam. N.B. Mr. Pierpont and Madam give me their hearty wishes and encouragements but Madam in Some Doubt whether I shall Succeed. Mr. Pierpont undertook a difficult Journey to Providence, Narragansett etc.: but Madam and I took a Dish of Tea with Mrs. H______h. At Eve at Brother Elias’s who was confined by indisposition. My Daughter Molly had been in Town for 3 Weeks and chiefly resided there. Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Jemima Lee there in the Eve and Supped with us. After Supper I went with them to Mr. John Lee’s where they lodged. N.B. The Town is every where full of Mr. Hooper, the Scotch Preacher.