1736 November 2 (Tuesday). Lieut. Nathan Brigham came to rebuild part of my Cellar Wall, Scil.: the North side of the East part of my Cellar, being that which is against the Foundation of the Chimneys. Training Day: I prayed with the Companys and then proceeded (in Company with Mr. Stone) to the Association at Shrewsbury. N.B. Discourse of the late Disquietments which still Subsisted between us. N.B. A Young Bear in Mr. Cushings Pasture and crossed the Road but a little behind Mr. Stone and me as we rode up. He was pursued and shot. Mr. Prentice of Grafton was to have delivered a Concio, but was not prepared and was under Bodily Indispositions. Mr. Prentice of Lancaster delivered an Exercise on Act. 24.25. Mr. Cushing proposed one Case after another to be advised upon. N.B. Mr. Stone and I walked out and after some Discourse we were so happy as to accomplish a Reconcilement, mutually forgave, and promised to burn our Letters that there might nothing remain of the Papers of that Difference. Grates Deo plurimae! Maj. Keyes and Deacon Keyes[1] came in, in the Evening.
[1]Cyprian Keyes (d. 1802) was elected deacon of the Shrewsbury church in1735; he resigned that position in 1742 and moved from Shrewsbury; Worthley, Inventory, 575.