March 13, 1736

1736 March 13 (Saturday).  Sister in less Pain, and less Casting, more inclined to Doze and Drouze — otherwise no alteration with her.  But although she is detained from her intended Journey [back to Westborough?] and seems to be going to her long home — yet I am necessitated to take my sorrowfull Leave.  About or a little after 11 a.m. I Set out — a Melancholly Journey.  Latter part of the Road Mr. Joseph Gardner[1] came up with me, as he was riding to Marlborough to preach there.  What a Solitary and Lonesome Habitation I entered when I got home!  O that God most Compassionate would vouchsafe to look upon my State!  But my Family were Comfortable, except Ebenezer who was Somewhat indisposed and faintish.

[1]Joseph Gardner (1713-1806), Harvard 1732, assistant minister of the First Congregational Church, Newport, Rhode Island, 1740-1743; SHG, 9:156-59.