1736 March 12 (Friday). Sister Ruth very bad indeed — casting[1] — Fainting etc. Brother rode to the Doctor. I rode to Town for some New supply. A stormy Raw, Snowy Day. The Doctor visited and tarried till almost night. Mrs. Gay and her sister Mrs. Elizabeth Nutting there all Day, and watched also at Night. Mr. Appleton[2] at about 11 at night. Sister Exceeding low — Scarce any success visible yet — Her straining to vomit Spends her extreamly, and wears her out; and her extream Pain, from her having nothing to pass through her for Such a very long Space, has brought her very Nigh Deaths Gates.
[1]I.e., vomiting.
[2]Nathaniel Appleton (1693-1784), Harvard 1712, minister of Cambridge, 1717-1784; SHG, 5:599-609.