March 10, 1736

1736 March 10 (Wednesday).  Variously taken up with Visits and Business.  At Mr. Fennels[1] (Bookseller) Shop — Dr. John Perkins[2] there.  He informs me that many in Town are sick of the Kingston Distemper,[3] and that more dye of it than a while agoe — however (through Divine Mercy) no proportion to what have dyed at the Eastward.  N.B. I was pritty much Diverted and Chearfull at Eve, at Cousin Clarks particularly.  But yet I felt considerable of Sore Throat which was increased as I went through the Sloppy streets to my Brother Elias’s; and it prevailed as the Night grew old.  But with a [illegible], emollient application I Slept well, through the Goodness of God.

[1]Mr. Fennel, bookseller

[2]Dr. John Perkins (1676-1740), Harvard 1695; SHG, 4:264-66.

[3]Parkman was undoubtedly familiar with reports of the outbreak of diphtheria in Kingston, New Hampshire.  See Boston News-Letter, Aug. 21 and 28, 1735; Boston Gazette, Aug. 25, 1735; New-England Weekly Journal, Aug. 26, 1735.