March 1, 1736

1736 March 1 (Monday).  Mr. Ivory Hovey, who kept Sabbath with me, returned to Marlborough.  Mr. Livermore brought home my Books new Vamped.  Brother Asher Rice very much unsays what he Said to me on Saturday, by way of Satisfaction for having wickedly alienated the Money he had gathered, pretendedly for me, With this argument with people that now there was peculiar necessity and call for it because of the Singular Providences of God I was under.  Yet he brought me no farthing, nor did let me See him for a month after.  And to day (which was the first paying me any at all) brought me but 21 sh. and 6d.  N.B. Samuel Hardy, and several others round him, were not at Communion Yesterday — by which means much Evil was prevented.  It looks like the particular Hand of God — for I understood on Saturday Eve, that he was resolute to Come.  William Stacey came from Mr. Langdon of Hopkinton, to glaize my Kitchin.  Dr. Matthews here to See Ebenezer.  N.B. I sent for him yesterday, by Neighbour Stephen Fay.[1]  Ebenezer better.  At Eve a storm of Snow.  William Stacey lodged here. 

[1]Possibly Stephen Fay, son of John and Elizabeth Fay, b. May 5, 1715 (WVR, 42).  Stephen Fay mar. Ruth Child, Mar. 7, 1734 (WVR, 150).  His wife Ruth was admitted to the church, June 3, 1736; he was admitted, July 18, 1736; and on Aug. 15, their son John was baptized (WCR, 41, 43).

March 4, 1736

1736 March 4 (Thursday).  I rode to Southborough expecting to hear Mr. Loring[1] at the Lecture there, but he did not come.  Mr. Stone overcame <prevailed with> came prevailed with me to preach — which I did on Joh. 9, 4 v.  I called at Capt. Warrins as I returned home.  Mr. Wait of Sutton came from thence, home with me.  Bright Light in the North for a great while in the Evening.  One of my young sheep dyed whilst I was at Southborough.

[1]Israel Loring (1682-1772), Harvard 1701, minister of Sudbury, 1706-1772.  SHG, 5:75-83.

March 9, 1736

1736 March 9 (Tuesday).  I rode to Charleston — Mr. Breck[1] of Springfield with me.  Dined with my Honoured Mother[2] at Boston.  Spent the Afternoon and Eve among my Relatives.  N.B. Capt. Malachi Foot and his Wife from New York and other Company, at Brother Elias’s.  N.B. Capt. Foots going home with Dr. Kennadys[3] Daughters and tarrying late, to his wife’s, his Mothers, and the Companys Disquietment.

[1]Robert Breck, Jr. (1713-1784), Harvard 1730, minister of the First Church of Springfield, 1736-1784.  SHG, 8:661-80.

[2]Parkman’s mother, Elizabeth (Adams) Parkman.

[3]Possibly Dr. High Kennedy (c. 1684-1760) of Boston; Boston Post-Boy, Oct. 20, 1760, p.[1].

March 10, 1736

1736 March 10 (Wednesday).  Variously taken up with Visits and Business.  At Mr. Fennels[1] (Bookseller) Shop — Dr. John Perkins[2] there.  He informs me that many in Town are sick of the Kingston Distemper,[3] and that more dye of it than a while agoe — however (through Divine Mercy) no proportion to what have dyed at the Eastward.  N.B. I was pritty much Diverted and Chearfull at Eve, at Cousin Clarks particularly.  But yet I felt considerable of Sore Throat which was increased as I went through the Sloppy streets to my Brother Elias’s; and it prevailed as the Night grew old.  But with a [illegible], emollient application I Slept well, through the Goodness of God.

[1]Mr. Fennel, bookseller

[2]Dr. John Perkins (1676-1740), Harvard 1695; SHG, 4:264-66.

[3]Parkman was undoubtedly familiar with reports of the outbreak of diphtheria in Kingston, New Hampshire.  See Boston News-Letter, Aug. 21 and 28, 1735; Boston Gazette, Aug. 25, 1735; New-England Weekly Journal, Aug. 26, 1735.

March 11, 1736

1736 March 11 (Thursday).  Rose Comfortable (Grat. D.).  Mr. Cooper[1] Lecture on Deut. 32.29.  Dined at Brother Alexanders.  At Eve went over the Ferry with one Mr. Bradshaw[2] of Medford, whom I found at Brother William’s.[3]  When I came to Father Champneys I found it a Melancholly Family on Account that our Dear Sister Ruth had continued from Tuesday in great Extremity, vomiting up every Thing almost that could be Administred to her.  She had taken a vomit of Dr. S. Wheat,[4] which though it worked many Times yet had not the Desired Effect to remove her Disorders.  We were all in great Distress, and could hardly comply to go to Bed.

[1]William Cooper (1694-1743), Harvard 1712, minister of Boston’s Brattle Square Church, 1716-1743.  SHG, 5:624-34.

[2]Samuel Bradshaw of Medford, b. Aug. 29, 1700, son of John and Mary Bradshaw (Medford VR, 28).

[3]William Parkman, Ebenezer’s brother

[4]Dr. S. Wheat [Joshua Wheat, Dec. 12, 1736?]

March 12, 1736

1736 March 12 (Friday).  Sister Ruth very bad indeed — casting[1] — Fainting etc.  Brother rode to the Doctor.  I rode to Town for some New supply.  A stormy Raw, Snowy Day.  The Doctor visited and tarried till almost night.  Mrs. Gay and her sister Mrs. Elizabeth Nutting there all Day, and watched also at Night.  Mr. Appleton[2] at about 11 at night.  Sister Exceeding low — Scarce any success visible yet — Her straining to vomit Spends her extreamly, and wears her out; and her extream Pain, from her having nothing to pass through her for Such a very long Space, has brought her very Nigh Deaths Gates.

[1]I.e., vomiting.

[2]Nathaniel Appleton (1693-1784), Harvard 1712, minister of Cambridge, 1717-1784; SHG, 5:599-609.

March 13, 1736

1736 March 13 (Saturday).  Sister in less Pain, and less Casting, more inclined to Doze and Drouze — otherwise no alteration with her.  But although she is detained from her intended Journey [back to Westborough?] and seems to be going to her long home — yet I am necessitated to take my sorrowfull Leave.  About or a little after 11 a.m. I Set out — a Melancholly Journey.  Latter part of the Road Mr. Joseph Gardner[1] came up with me, as he was riding to Marlborough to preach there.  What a Solitary and Lonesome Habitation I entered when I got home!  O that God most Compassionate would vouchsafe to look upon my State!  But my Family were Comfortable, except Ebenezer who was Somewhat indisposed and faintish.

[1]Joseph Gardner (1713-1806), Harvard 1732, assistant minister of the First Congregational Church, Newport, Rhode Island, 1740-1743; SHG, 9:156-59.

March 14, 1736

1736 March 14 (Sunday).  I repeated (to the 14th Page) my sermon on 2 Thess. 1.8.9.[1]  Cousin Winchester[2] went out ill, p.m.  Very lonely at Eve.

[1]2 Thess. 1.8.9, “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  “Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.”

[2]Elizabeth Winchester, wife of Benjamin Winchester.  She was Mary (Champney) Parkman’s sister.

March 18, 1736

1736 March 18 (Thursday).  I rode up to Grafton to visit Mr. Prentice, who with his wife had expressed (by Letter) a most tender Sympathy under my bereaved Circumstances.  When I returned in the Eve, Brother Hicks being come back from Cambridge informed (to my Joy) that Sister Ruth Champney had had relief and was sitting up.  I desire to look upon it as a Singular Favour in Divine Providence to me and my Family considering the great Comfort and Assistance from that tender and kind Friend Received by me and mine.

March 19, 1736

1736 March 19 (Friday).  There came Two Teams, namely Neighbour Hezekiah Pratt and Eliezer Rice, and the following Hands to Cutt wood for me to Day, Scil.: Neighbour John Pratt, James Maynard, Whipple, Eliezer Ward, Increase Ward,[1] William and Jonathan Rogers, Jesse Maynard, Joseph Green junior and Two Lads from William and Ebenezer Nurse; And they brought 31 Turns of Wood.

[1]Increase Ward (d. Dec. 18, 1739).  He was bapt., Nov. 22, 1724, “the first person I ever baptiz’d,” as Parkman later wrote.

March 23, 1736

1736 March 23 (Tuesday).  I went over to the North side of the Town to prevent or Change the Design of that Corner, to come and get Wood for me — for I had purposed to go to Boston that Day they had laid out to come upon; and having had 31 Load of Wood of Late, in all 75 Load this Winter, and my Fences much rather needing repair; on these Accounts I esteemed it a greater kindness to come and get Fencing Stuff for me than Fire Wood.  At Lieutenant Holloways, at Mr. Sim. Haywards.  N.B. I visited Mr. Thomas Ward.  At Eve I rode over to Mr. Tainters.[1]  At Neighbour Asher Rice’s.  N.B. The Grievous Feuds between that man and his Wife.  Returning home I had most painfull Toothach.  Blistered at Midnight.  Deborah Ward very tender and helpfull.  I record it as a <word crossed out> Favour and Blessing that in my bereavement God has vouchsafed me such a Singularly faithfull House keeper.  I pray God to reward her not only with outward but with Spiritual and Eternal Blessings!

[1]Simon Tainter (d. Apr. 2, 1767) mar. Rebecca Harrington of Watertown, 1714; was admitted to the church, Apr. 3, 1726; and was chosen deacon, Jan. 16, 1757.

March 24, 1736

1736 March 24 (Wednesday).  Sharp Toothach in the Morning.  Easier when my Blister began to draw well.  Lieutenant Holloway, Mr. Wheeler, Livermore, Neighbour Ball, Billings, Cwees, Silas and Timothy Fay, ________ Cutting, Phinehas Ball (sent my [sic] Mr. James Ball) and John Oake came and gott me Fencing stuff, Posts and Rails, in the Ministerial Lot.  Mr. Cushing made me a visit.  My Daughter Molly very grievously exercised still, with her Hands breaking out and remaining exceeding Sore. 

March 26, 1736

1736 March 26 (Friday).  Snow and Rain.  David Bavrick came to work with me.  My agreement is (by Divine Leave) for six Months, for 24£ and he is to take and do one sort of Business as well as another, whether Husbandry or Carpenters, or whatever I have to be done, that he is able to do; and to be as handy and helpfull as he can in the Family also; which if he Shall be, his Mending shall be done.

March 28, 1736

1736 March 28 (Sunday).  Detained from the public Service by the Ague.  I have drawn one Blister after another: and by them at length came relief.  Dr. Colmans Sermon on Mat. 25, (I think) v. 8, was read a.m. and his Excellent Sermon on the Fast which God hath Chosen,[1] p.m., and the Proclamation for the Fast next Thursday was read.[2]

[1]Benjamin Colman, The Fast Which God Hath Chosen: A Sermon Preached at the Lecture in Boston March 21. 1734 Preparatory to an Appointed Day of Publick Fasting and Prayer (Boston: S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1734).  Evans 3759.

[2][Proclamation. 1736 Feb. 26] By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; … A proclamation for a general fast. … Thursday the first day of April next … Given at the Council chamber in Boston, the twenty-sixth day of February, 1735 [new style, 1736]… (Boston: Printed by J. Draper, printer to his excellency the governour and Council., [1736]).  Shipton & Mooney, 40098

March 29, 1736

1736 March 29 (Monday).  It was remarkable how Compassionate and assisting Deborah was to me during my Pains and anguishes by the Tooth ach.  Mr. Livermore brought up from Boston Monsieur Saurins Dissertation[1] (which I lately bought at Mr. Cor’s (of London) shop). 

[1]Dissertations, historical, critical, theological and moral, on the most memorable events of the Old and New Testaments: … In three volumes. Vol. I. Comprising the events related in the Books of Moses. Written originally in French, by … James Saurin … Made English by John Chamberlayne (London: Printed by T. Wood, for W. Taylor; W. and J. Innys ; and J. Osborne, 1723).