July 26, 1739

1739 July 26 (Thursday).  Drisly weather.  In the morning we pol’d in Hay.  At noon walk’d as far as Jedidiah Hows where I had an Horse to ride to Shrewsbury Lecture.  I did not get up there till Mr. Cushing had begun the Publick service.  I preach’d on Jude 10.21 to page [blank].  N.B. Dr. Stannton Prentice[1] and three of his Sisters there.  After Lecture I visited Mr. Isaac Tomlin who yet remains in a very low Condition.  Mrs. Brigham[2] of Marlborough (Mrs. Hepsibah Maynards[3] Mother) dy’d.

[1]The physician of Lancaster.

[2]The widow of Samuel Brigham.  Hudson, Marlborough, 334.

[3]Mrs. John Maynard of Westborough.

July 31, 1739

1739 July 31 (Tuesday).  Fine Weather.  Mr. Biglo reaping.  At Evening I walk’d to the ministerial Meadow.  Found that there were 4 Stacks of Hay, 3 Load in Cock and about as much in Swarth and that all the South part of the Meadow was mowed.  In returning home visited Mr. Whipple who had been ill and confin’d by Rheumatism for some Time.  Mr. Biglo’s sisters came to see him.  Mr. Biglo lodged here.

August 1, 1739

1739 August 1 (Wednesday).  Mr. Biglo with Mr. Whipples Cart and Oxen and Mr. David Maynards oxen added to them carted.  Three Loads of the Ministerial Meadow Hay.  Dr. Gott here.  P.M. I with my wife rode up to Mr. Isaac Tomlins where the private meeting was kept and I preached on Job 19.25 etc.[1]  Jonas Warrin[2] was So kind as to come and Mow a Day for me.

[1] Job 19.25: “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth.”

[2]Son of Daniel Warrin.

August 3, 1739

1739 August 3 (Friday).  Mr. Biglo came (about nine this Morning) to my Work.  My Wife and I rode up to Grafton and I preach’d a Lecture on Jude 5.21.  N.B. Madam Sartel[1] of Groton there.  At Eve we return’d home.  Mr. Francis Whipple and his Wife in Company.  N.B. We rode upon Mr. Daniel Forbush’s Mare.

[1]Mrs. Nathaniel Sartell of Groton, Mass.  Samuel A. Green, Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground (Boston, 1878), 251-52.

August 6, 1739

1739 August 6 (Monday).   Rain’d hard in the night and all the Morning.  A great Blessing!  I sow’d Turnips in the Field.  Mr. Varney,[1] late of Wilmington, and Mr. Stone of Southborough, here and din’d with us.  P.M. Clear weather.  At Evening Mr. Frink[2] came and lodg’d.

[1]Rev. James Varney (HC 1725), minister of Wilmington, Mass., 1733-1739.  He had already been dismissed by his church.  SHG, 7:601-02.

[2]Rev. Thomas Frink of Rutland, Mass.

August 8, 1739

1739 August 8 (Wednesday).  Mr. Biglo came to Work again.  Were oblig’d to open the Hay that was made up on Saturday — about Two Load — but there came up a storm of Rain to Day and we could not get it in, and although it was cock’d up yet, being weedy and Leavy Stuff it would not Save it Self.  Read about 150 pages of the Mute Philosopher, vol. 1.  Ruth Bradish[1] here about her admission.  Finish’d Mr. Frinks Dissertation upon Ruling Elders.

[1]Daughter of James Bradish of Westborough.  She was admitted to the Westborough church, Sept. 2, 1739

August 17, 1739

1739 August 17 (Friday).  My Wife rode down to Marlborough.  Mr. Stone preach’d a preparatory Lecture there.  Mr. Edward Burley Son came to my House in his Cabbin with his Puppetts, etc. there in.  N.B. I had my Self Seen them in some measure my self Yesterday just at Evening.  P.M. Charles Bruce work’d for me and finished my common mowing.

August 18, 1739

1739 August 18 (Saturday).  Mr. Jonah Warrin brought me home Two Small Turns of Hay from the ministerial Meadow.  And I got Mr. Aaron Forbush to putt into Stack a parcel of Cocks which Mr. Pratt had left for Some Time in the Meadow.  Elaezer Williams with a Team came and got up a Load from the low Ground at home and Mr. Warrin and he got up what was mowed by Charles Bruce.  Near Night, Mr. Cushing came.  I was exceeding Hott and sweatty, with walking and looking after my Folks and Business, and when I came to shirt me cool’d my Self too much.  Rode Captain Forbush’s[1] Horse up to Shrewsbury in the Evening and doubtless took Cold.

[1]Samuel Forbush.

August 19, 1739

1739 August 19 (Sunday).  Preach’d at Shrewsbury a.m. on Jude 10.21, p.m. on Phil. 1.21.  The Head-Ach all Day.  At Eve the Pain Settled upon my stomack and Bowells — increas’d my Trouble to a great Degree.  Mr. Cushing return’d.  My Pains and sickness lasted till it was late in the Night.  All Nature in great Disorder with me.  Work’d downward many Times and upwards several.  I went to Bed very ill indeed.  N.B. Rain, Thunder and Lightning.

August 21, 1739

1739 August 21 (Tuesday).  Finding myself Still better I undertook my Journey.  Stopp’d a while at Mr. Amsdens,[1] at Mr. David Hows,[2] at Mr. Cooks,[3] at Dr. Robys,[4] at Woolsons[5] from where I had Captain Samuel Chandler’s[6] (of Woodstock) Company — and at Mr. Benjamins at Waterton.  Arriv’d at Father Champneys after Dark.

[1]Capt. Isaac Amsden of Marlborough.

[2]Proprietor of the Wayside Inn in Sudbury.

[3]Rev. Samuel Cooke of Wayland.

[4]Ebenezer Roby, physician of Sudbury.

[5]In Watertown.

[6]Son of Col. John Chandler, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions.  Woodstock was originally in Massachusetts but after 1749 in Connecticut.  Clarence W. Bowen, Woodstock: An Historical Sketch (N.Y., 1886), 33-35; George Chandler, The Chandler Family (Worcester, 1883), 130-31.

August 22, 1739

1739 August 22 (Wednesday).  Rainy forenoon.  Din’d at Father Champneys.  N.B. Father in a very disquieted and distracted State — from home by Night and by Day — has not been in Bed for scarcely a month together.  P.M. Showery yet I rode to  Boston.  My Mother in a low, Sick, feeble, Dangerous State.  My Kinsman Elias lodges Still at Captain Sharps — So that I Saw him not, this Journey.  Lodg’d at Brother Elias’s.

August 23, 1739

1739 August 23 (Thursday).  Last Night very rainy indeed — and terrible with Thunders and Lightnings.  The morning also exceeding rainy, and Dark.  Broke Fast with my Cousen Elizabeth Corsser[1] heretofore Elizabeth Tyley.  Dr. Colman preach’d an Excellent and very Seasonable  Sermon on Job 38.28.  After Lecture Mr. Quincy[2] carried me to his House and on the way at the Printers presented me a volume of Mr. Flynts[3] Sermons, and I took my own likewise (for I was my Self a Subscriber) which I devoted to my Cousen Corsser aforesaid.  After Dining at Mr. Quincys I attended a variety of Business — walk’d to Brother Alexanders.  N.B. The Meazles not out of Town yet.  N.B. Mr. Alexander Wolcott[4] of New Haven who had left that Town because of the Snares of a Young Widow there,  notwithstanding the endearments and great Fortune of his own Wife, Supposed to be in Boston and the said Widow likewise, who boldly and resolutely and against the Fears and entreatys of her parents, Sisters and her own Child mounted her Horse before their Eyes and rode after Mr. Wolcott.  My Mother very low but I was oblig’d to ride to Cambridge that I might pursue my Journey.  N.B. Sister Lydia Champney at Boston.

[1]Elizabeth Tyler, Parkman’s niece, married John Coarsa, June 22, 1738.

[2]Edmund Quincy of Boston.

[3]Henry Flynt (HC 1693), tutor for many years at Harvard College.  The work mentioned here is Twenty Sermons on Various Subjects (Boston 1739).

[4](YC 1731), fourth son of Roger Wolcott of Windsor, Conn., later governor of the province. Alexander’s first wife (Sarah Drake) left him in 1739, and he married Mary, the widow of Fitz John Allen of New Haven.  He later became a respected physician of Windsor.  Dexter, 435-36.

August 24, 1739

1739 August 24 (Friday).  On my Journey I met with Captain Samuel Chandler according to Appointment at Captain Saltmarshes.[1]  We call’d at Mr. Warham Williams’s[2] at Waltham.  We din’d at Mr. Woolsons, Call’d at Mr. Cook’s — and at Marlborough.  Made it late home.  N.B. The vast Damage done to the Hay upon Sudbury Meadows, etc. by the late Excessive Rains.

[1]Thomas Saltmarsh, a former sea captain, was an innkeeper at Watertown for many years.  Bond, Watertown, 414, 913.

[2]Minister of Waltham.

August 28, 1739

1739 August 28 (Tuesday).  Mr. Loring came about Noon; after him Mr. Stone, Mr. Prentice of Grafton, Mr. Cushing and Mr. Frink.  These made up the Association.  Mr. Stone gave us a very usefull and Excellent Discourse on 2 Cor. 4.5.  Most of us read our Collections which we had made for the Association.  N.B. Two Horses Neighbor How took home with him, Two I had pastur’d at Ensign Maynards great Pasture, and the Fifth at Neighbor Pratts.[1]  The Ministers all lodg’d in the House.

[1]John Pratt.

August 29, 1739

1739 August 29 (Wednesday).  Mr. Loring preach’d a very profitable sermon on Deut. 32.47.  N.B. After Sermon I read the brief Representation of the Case of Mr. Torry[1] in Narragansett.  N.B. Madam Sartel[2] and her daughter Prentice[3] here.

[1]A brief representation of the case depending between the Rev. Dr. Mc’Sparran, plaintiff, and the Rev. Mr. Torrey, defendant, relating to the ministry land at Narraganset ([Boston?: s.n., 1739]).  Rev. Joseph Torrey (HC 1728), minister of the Congregational Church at Kingston, R.I., 1732-1791.  He was also a physician.  Immediately after his ordination Torrey was involved in a lawsuit defending his right as a Congregational minister to 300 acres of glebe land.  In this complicated and extraordinary case which went as far as the Privy Council, the real issue was the democratic nature of the New England church system.  The case dragged on for a number of years, and in 1739 the Boston ministers Colman and Prince headed a successful campaign to raise money to pay the cost of Torrey’s defense.  SHG, 8:498-507.

[2]Wife of Capt. Nathaniel Sartell (Sartel, Sartele, Sawtell) of Groton.

[3]Sarah Sartell, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel, married Rev. Solomon Prentice of Grafton, Oct. 26, 1732.  Groton Vital Records 2:148.