March 16, 1739

1739 March 16 (Friday).  I rode to Marlborough.  Exceeding bad Travelling.  To Mr. Tainters,[1] Phelps,[2] Colonel Woods’s, Dr. Gotts at Evening and at Captain Williams[3] late.  Yet returned home.

[1]Deacon Joseph Tainter.

[2]John Phelps, a cordwainer of Marlborough.  About 1742 he moved with his family to Rutland, Mass.  Hudson, Marlborough, 428.

[3]Abraham Williams of Marlborough.

March 26, 1739

1739 March 26 (Monday).  Town Meeting by Adjournment.  N.B. Marlborough propos’d Meeting.  I sent down, a second time, a Plot of Two acres and 30 Rod upon Powder Hill, by old Mr. Maynard,[1] but oppos’d by Mr. Richard Barns.  N.B. some warm answer to old Mr. Maynard and Neighbor Williams[2] when they gave me account of the Proprietors not accepting it.  N.B. began to Garden.  We plough’d in some early Peas.

[1]David Maynard.

[2]Eleazer Williams.

March 31, 1739

1739 March 31 (Saturday).  I walk’d into the Neighbourhood as far as to Mr. Williams and I borrowed his Horse to Southborough, Mr. Stone having writ to me in the beginning of the Week, to Change with him.  I expected Mr. Stone, but he came not.  I rode down to Southborough upon Mr. Williams’s Horse, but it was nigh dark when I got to Mr. Stones, So that he tarried till morning.

April 1, 1739

1739 April 1 (Sunday).  Mr. Stone rode up to Westborough in the Morning.  I preach’d at Southborough on Heb. 10.38 a. and p.m.  William Pierce had excepted against Mr. Stones form of baptizing because of his using the word [into] instead of [in] the name, etc. and therefor entreated me to baptize his youngest child.[1]  Mr. Stone had intimated the matter to me and consented freely that the Man Should request me, but I first opened the matter to him, read him Dr. Collins’s annotation upon Mat. 28.19 in the Continuation of Mr. Pools[2] and demanded of him whether he had any Disgust with Mr. Stone on any other, etc.  The name of the Child was Seth.  At Evening I return’d to Westborough.  Met Mr. Stone by the way.  N.B. Mr. Stone had forgot his Notes by changing his Coat, and had none with him at Westborough.  It was so late in the morning that he could not return home to fetch ‘em, but my wife, at his request, Show’d him a parcell of my Sermons and he chose them that are on Hos. 13.9, and preach’d from them a. and p.m.  N.B. My Young Red Cow brought a fine large Cow Calf.

[1]Baptism recorded in Westborough church records.

[2]Matthew Poole, a learned Non-Conformist divine, published Annotations on the Holy Bible, wherein the Sacred Text is inserted, and various readings annexed (2 vols.; London 1688).  Poole wrote the portion as far as chapter 58 of Isaiah.  Other writers continued the work.

April 2, 1739

1739 April 2 (Monday).  Jotham Maynard came to work and Molly Bruce[1] came as a Taylor to make a Coat for Ebenezer.  Jotham beat off at Noon by the Rain.  Read in Mr. Clarks last volume of Lives.[2]  Lost Two Ewes, one yesterday, the other to Day.

[1]Mary, daughter of Abijah Bruce of Westborough.

[2]Samuel Clarke (1599-1683), an English theologian, published The Marrow of Ecclesiastical Historie, Conteined in the Lives of the Fathers, and Other Learned Men, and Famous Divines (London, 1650).  This work was enlarged and published in a variety of subsequent English editions.

April 10, 1739

1739 April 10 (Tuesday).  I rode to Sudbury, in Company from Captain Williams of Marlborough with Mr. Cushing.  Mr. Nathan Stone and Mr. Seccomb at Mr. Lorings.  My Concio was on 2 Cor. 2.15.16.  The Occasion of this Discourse on this Text was the ill Conduct of divers Ministers, but particularly of Mr. Seccomb of Harvard.  N.B. Seven Towns in that Neighbourhood had had ministers guilty of Scandalous offences.

April 11, 1739

1739 April 11 (Wednesday).  Mr. Prentice of Grafton preach’d the public Lecture on Isa. 1.16.  N.B. Conversation with Mr. Samuel Cook upon the Affair of his refusing Marlborough.  Mr. Cushing, Mr. Stone, and Mr. Prentice of Grafton rode with me up to Marlborough.  I turn’d away to Mr. Edmund Rice’s at the urgent request of his wife, to discourse with their Daughter in Law who was under Spiritual Trouble.  Was at Colonel Woods’s and settled all accounts with him to this Day.  At the Doctors[1] at Eve.  Mr. Prentice my company up to Westborough but he stood along for home.  N.B. some free Conversation with him about his Preaching.  N.B. Samme Breck[2] at my House.  Came up yesterday.  Jotham Maynard work’d half a Day.

[1]Benjamin Gott, the physician of Marlborough.

[2]Samuel Breck, Parkman’s brother-in-law.