April 1, 1782

1782 April 1 (Monday).  Walked up to Mr. Barnabas Newtons, his Daughter Sarah (of about 16) drooping and languishing. Instructed and encouraged her.  Prayed with and for her.  P.M. Town Meeting to choose a Governor etc.  Chose Hon. Mr. Hancock etc.  Mr. Daniel Grosvenor came a.m. to see me — dined with us and Spent the chief of the p.m. here.  N.B. Mr. Sanford and his Visit tomorrow were the Subject as he was so Soon expected here.  Mr. G. assured me from what he had himself met with from both Mr. S________d and from Mr. Sp________ng, that neither of them (continuing Such) Should with his Consent, enter his Pulpit.  And he knew and was sure, that his Father Hall (who had the minutes of what was Said at Roxbury, and Signed by himself and Mr. West of Dartmouth) would not, if Said Gentlemen remained the same: and those Minutes he would endeavour Soon to Send me.  Received a kind Letter from Mr. Sumner, relating to the Troubles of our Kinsman Mr. Josiah Whitney of Brookline (Connecticut) in the Death of his two principal Sons, by the Small Pox.

April 3, 1782

1782 April 3 (Wednesday).  I rode out Westwardly to visit a number of Neighbours — went to Mr. Thad. Warrins, who is not well: was at Mr. Moses Newton’s, one Mr. Down’s Family at the School House.  Mr. Coze, Mr. Mclindys, Mr. Sibly, where I dined; Mr. Gleasons, Dr. Gershom Brighams, called at Mr. Samuel Fay’s — but was obliged to get home to solemnize the Marriage of Joseph Robbins and Eleanor Miller Daughter of Mr. James MillerDaniel Nurse left us.

April 8, 1782

1782 April 8 (Monday).  Mr. Daniel Grosvenor returning from Southborough calls and breaks fast here.  Deacon Batchelor also was here.  Mr. Lyon returning to Southborough.  Dr. Stimson and his Lady make us a Visit.  The Doctor returns me DeFoe’s Works and brings Volume 2.  N.B. Josiah Brigham and John Baker came again to Study.

April 12, 1782

1782 April 12 (Friday).  In the Early Morning we’re alarmed by a Messenger from Miss Mindwell Brigham who is ill, but is chiefly distressed in Mind. Sends for me.  I went.  Mr. Brigham and his Sister Suse also.  I discoursed and prayed with her. Visited old Mrs. Beeman and prayed with her.  Called at Capt. Jonas Brighams.  Mr. Moore went on his Journey to Providence.  I wrote to Mr. D. Adams.  Cousin Samuel Brigham, from Charlestown No. 4, dined here.

April 13, 1782

1782 April 13 (Saturday).  Breck employs several Men in mending the Wall of the Garden, and work in the Garden.  They are James Downs and Ebenezer Mclendy.  Capt. Morse here and requests that the Congregation might Sing five times on the Sabbath.  He Says many persons desire it.  I told him to get and bring me a List of those who were for it.

April 14, 1782

1782 April 14 (Sunday).  Again upon the Same subject as last Sabbath, the IVth Head for which I took another Text, vizt. Prov. 9.11.  P.M. on Rom. 1.18 former part to p. 9.  Baldwin dined here.  I read the proclamation for the Fast.  Also I stopped the Church and read what I had writ to Mrs. Adams and what to her Husband.  Mr. Brigham at Eve reads Flavell Sermon on Joh. 19.28.  May God forgive what has been amiss in my Attendance!

April 15, 1782

1782 April 15 (Monday).  Miss Mindwell came here and tarried — and over Night.  I am in Sedulous preparation for the Association.  Lt. Grout came kindly with several Presents.  N.B. It was to him I committed the Letter which I had writ to her, and read to the Church yesterday, to this Brothers Care.  N.B. Awakened, Revived and Quickened by a Sermon in the Continuation of the Morning Exercise, on that Question, By what means may Ministers best win Souls?  The Text is 1 Tim. 4.16.  May God bless this to me!

April 16, 1782

1782 April 16 (Tuesday).  The Ministers Meeting was at Our House.  Mr. Bridge was not here, the rest came.  Mr. Newell brought his Lady.  I prayed — I delivered Some parts of my Sermon on Heb. 6.12.  Mr. Whitney made the concluding prayer.  In our Conversation I gave Some Account of my Trouble from those who were of so importunate Curiosity to have Mr. Sanford preach here.

April 20, 1782

1782 April 20 (Saturday).  Mr. Brigham returned late last night, or rather Early this Morning — brought a Letter of April 2d from Mr. Quincy.  Dr. Hawes brings me a Message from Mr. Phinehas Forbes that his eldest Child is very ill — and he desires a Visit.  But it is so rainy that I cannot go.  At Eve came Mr. Benjamin Stone.

April 21, 1782

1782 April 21 (Sunday).  I had prepared to preach, but Mr. Brigham informs me that Mr. Stone is come (as I requested heretofore) to assist me.  He preached a. and p.m. on Isaiah 55.6.7.  I prayed before sermon in the p.m.  Mrs. Maynard dined here.  Baldwin and Miss Mindwell here.  Mr. Stone at Eve repeated.  May God graciously add His Blessing!  N.B. Mrs. Lucy Parker of Templeton, Sick, prayed for.

April 25, 1782

1782 April 25 (Thursday).  General Fast through out the United States.  I preached a. and p.m. on 2 Chron. 14.11 with large Alterations and Additions especially in the Application.  Thacher went to his Brothers, except at Noon.  At Eve Mr. Brigham read part of a Discourse on Fasting in supplement to Morning Exercise, on Mark 2.20 by Mr. Barker.  N.B. Miss Mindwell Brigham returned home.

April 26, 1782

1782 April 26 (Friday).  I visited Mr. Phinehas Forbes Sick Child, and prayed with it.  Went to Mr. Elisha Forbes and drank Tea there.  N.B. borrow his Chaise for Mrs. P________ to go to Ashburnham.  N.B. Mrs. Wood has been to Brookfield and informs that my Daughter Baldwin is now under Inoculation of the Small Pox and is like to do well.

April 28, 1782

1782 April 28 (Sunday).  A.M. on Rom. 1.[18?] but was obliged to break off the Sooner because my Sight failed.  P.M. on Gen. 8.20.21.  N.B. My Sight so failed that I was obliged to extemporize in Several considerable parts of the Sermon; for I could not read what I had prepared.  At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavel and prayed.  Many in Grafton are inoculated for Small Pox.

May 2, 1782

1782 May 2 (Thursday).  I was in Expectation of Mr. D. Grosvenor to preach my Lecture but he did not come.  I was obliged to preach my Self.  It was on Mat. 26.48.  Few at Meeting.  May God graciously accept [and?] bless what was delivered!  Mr. Joseph Grout brought me a Number of Papers from his sister Adams, and left them but I did not care to read ‘em.

May 4, 1782

1782 May 4 (Saturday).  Capt. Clapp of Northampton (according to a Letter from Elias to his Brothers Breck and Brigham) Calls here to take an Horse and lead up to Northampton, that Elias may come home.  Saddle Bags are sent likewise.  Mrs. P________ lays aside her designed Journey to Ashburnham.  At Eve receive a welcome Letter from Mr. Cushing of his Wife’s safe Deliverance, this Day se’nnight, of a Daughter; who next day was baptized Mary: and we are informed also that my son Alexanders Wife has some Weeks since brought forth a Son — and May God graciously perfect His Goodness; and May their Offspring prove great Blessings!

May 5, 1782

1782 May 5 (Sunday).  Preached (as I could) the Substance of the latter Sermon on 1 Cor. 11.20, last Clause, “This is not to eat the Lords supper.”  I administered the Lord’s Supper.  Neither Squire Baker, nor Mr. D. Adams there.  Mrs. Maynard dined with us.  P.M. preached on Rom. 1.18, last Clause, “who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness.”  At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavells Fountain of Life: and prayed.