February 25, 1782

1782 February 25 (Monday).  We are an House of Invalids. Yet all of us about House.  Mrs. P________ chiefly, by reason of a grievous Pain in her side: she fears a sore is gathering there. Sophy is grievously exercised with Toothach — and has it drawn.  Elias is much out of Health.  He rides here and there to stir himself.  But I am able (through divine Goodness) to read, and am now reading in Biographical Dictionary — Life of Father Paul (Author of the History of the Council of Trent).

February 28, 1782

1782 February 28 (Thursday).  Mr. Thomas Kendal came.  His Horse is put up at the Deacons (Woods) — but he lodges here.  Elias Seems not well, but rides about.  Breck returns from Boston, brings me a Letter from my old Friend Mr. Quincy:  But sorrowful News from my Son Samuel, his wife being very ill of a Fever.  A Letter from him of her low state.  May God most gracious extend Compassion!  Benjamin Bowmans Time is out, and he leaves us.

March 1, 1782

1782 March 1 (Friday).  God has supported us through the Winter.  To His Name be Glory!  A fine warm Day — but a good deal of Snow on the Ground.  A Number of Disasters of late by Sleighs etc.  Elias sat out for Northampton.  Mr. Kendal dined here — as did also Mr. Walker Lyon from Woodstock, who is on his way to Southborough.  At Evening Capt. Jonas Brigham and Wife made us a kind Visit.  Mr. Crosby came and lodged here.  Mrs. P________ has taken Physic, and we hope is somewhat better, but is much confined yet.  The Scholars, Jonathan Grout and Abijah Warren tend the Cattle and cut Wood.

March 2, 1782

1782 March 2 (Saturday).  Mr. Crosby is with us.  Cousin Maynard visits her Aunt.  They both dine here.  P.M. leave us.  The former goes to Northborough to preach there.  N.B. have received a Letter <from my son Cushing which informs me of a Council of late at Ashbuy concerning Mr. Whitman their Minister>. [Marginal notation: See Feb. 24.]

March 4, 1782

1782 March 4 (Monday).  Town Meeting.  Capt. Morse and Mr. Joseph Harrington came with the Request of the Town that I would go and pray with them.  Which I complyed with.  Lt. Levi Brigham of Fitz-William dined here.  William Grout came to live here a while, to tend my Cattle and cutt wood; that he also may learn to Cypher.  Isaac Baldwin came from Brookfield and lodges here.  His Horse goes to Mr. Eli Whitneys.

March 5, 1782

1782 March 5 (Tuesday).  My Grand son Baldwin goes with me to guide the Sleigh to Several Familys, viz. to Ensign Fays on consideration of the late Death of their Daughter Mrs. Rhoda Maynard: and the sorrowful Fall of their Daughter Abigail, who was lately brought to Bed, though she had no Husband.  Thence to Mr. Jonathan Childs.  Thence to Mr. Levi Whitneys, where we dined.  Thence to Lieutenant Grouts, where was his Brother Joseph.  I enquired of him, Why his Sister Adams did not look after her Affair before the Governor and Council?  The Answers were but very general and indeterminate.  We called at Squire Bakers to See his Wife after her Lying in.  Am informed (but no word was mentioned there of it) that last night a Mobbish Rabble burnt nigh Col. Wheelocks an Image which had been carryed about, with great Contempt etc.  At Eve Mr. Fish junior at out House, and lodges here.

March 10, 1782

1782 March 10 (Sunday).  That the grievous stroke may be duely improved by us, I preached on 2 Cor. 4.17 a. and p.m.  My sons Breck and Brigham sat out for Boston after Dinner to dear Sallys Funeral.  May God graciously support, direct and assist us all in the Duty of holy Mourning!  I repeated part of the Exercises at Even.  Isaac Baldwin dined and lodged here.  Wrote to Samuel by Brigham etc.

March 11, 1782

1782 March 11 (Monday).  Col. Baldwin goes on his Journey home; his son to his school.  Mr. Thomas Kenny, and Robert Whiteman Work and dine here.  Lt. Levi Warren here and gives me Some Account of his Action against Squire Baker.  Capt. Brooks of Grafton here and dines with us.  N.B. Wrote to Elias by Col. Baldwin.  The Funeral of my late Daughter in Law, is, according to Appointment this Afternoon.  Lord make us know our End and the Measure of our Days etc!

March 28, 1782

1782 March 28 (Thursday).  Enoch Greenwood was married to Mirriam Forbes: and at Evening Asa Forbush to Mehitable Fay.  Mr. B. has received Several Letters from Elias, by which he is informed that Mr. Nathan Fisk junior of Brookfield is dead; that our Cousen Whitney of Brookline, Connecticut, has lost their eldest son by the small Pox; but that Robert Breck Esq. has lately had a Seventh son which was baptized Theodore.

March 29, 1782

1782 March 29 (Friday).  P.M. came in Mr. John Forbes of Otter Creek: and with him Capt. Fisher, who brought me a Letter (writ by him I Suppose) from Mr. Daniel Adams, Dated to day, to be communicated to the Church.  He also bears a Message to me from the Rev. Mr. Sanford of Medway, that he designs to make me a Visit next Tuesday, to remove Some Misapprehensions he supposes I labour under concerning him.