1782 November 1 (Friday). From the Evening before, at Midnight [and?] this morning I was so exceed[ingly] short breathed that I was as if Expiring. But God was pleased to relieve me. All praise to His Name!
Month: November 1782
November 2, 1782
[1782 November 2 (Saturday).] I had Another Such a faint, terrible Turn — but reviv’d after Some Hours. [?] bless God therefor. Many kind People visit me.
November 3, 1782
[1782 November 3 (Sunday).] No preaching — but there was a Small public Assembly — Deacons and Mr. Brigham officiated. May God graciously accept!
November 4, 1782
[1782 November 4 (Monday).] Rev. Mr. Fish visits, dines and prayed. Rev. Whitney also with us. Both Mrs. P________ and I very ill with Cough and Fever with interrupted Breath, Short and difficult.
November 5, 1782
1782 November 5 (Tuesday). Rev. Whitney was again, by Request here, and assisted in making a Will which I signed, declared and owned before Justice Hawes.
November 6, 1782
1782 November 6 (Wednesday). Last night and this Morning was another most memorable Time with me! Was by degrees extremely Sho[rt] breathed, and as if departing!! But God was pleased in infinite Goodness to Pity and Relieve me at this time also. To His name be praise and Glory. [From this point, not in Parkman’s hand.] Mr. Ebenezer Maynard’s Wife watches.
November 7, 1782
1782 November 7 (Thursday). Lieut. Harrington here presents a Quarter of Lamb. Mrs. P’s Cough continues tedious.
November 8, 1782
1782 November 8 (Friday). A Comfortable Night yet faintness succeeds. Reverend Sumner and Doctor Stimson here. Mr. Brigham returned from Boston. Alexander came from Marlborough.
November 9, 1782
1782 November 9 (Saturday). Samuel from Boston.
November 10, 1782
1782 November 10 (Sunday). No Minister although the Deacons performed, yet Breck and Samuel to Shrewsbury. Mr. B. and Elias to Grafton. Mrs. P. more Comfortable.
November 11, 1782
[1782 November 11 (Monday). Alexander and Samuel to Boston. Elias to Lancaster.
November 12, 1782
[1782 November 12 (Tuesday). Doctor Ebenezer Morse here. Reverend D. Grosvenor here and pray’d. Capt. Maynard and others. Mrs. Hazletine here in the Even.
November 13, 1782
[1782 November 13 (Wednesday). At about 5 oClock in the Morning another Distresing turn came on but not so lasting. I again obtained Some Relief through the Infinite Mercy of God. Reverend Summer here and pray’d. Mrs. P. came up Stairs. By Physick taken lately was very disagreably wrought upon.
November 14, 1782
[1782 November 14 (Thursday). The Diarrhea continues very grievous. Misses Fish here. Remarkable Diminution of Flesh through the Severity of a continued Diarrhea. Doctor Stimson revisits. Recommends Mallows Tea which greatly relieves.
November 16, 1782
[1782 November 16 (Saturday). A more Comfortable Night. Mr. Representative Parker here. Brought a proclamation for Thanksgiving.
November 17, 1782
1782 November 17 (Sunday). A very faint Day. Mrs. P________ came up Chamber.
November 18, 1782
1782 November 18 (Monday). Town Meeting. Mr. Collector Harrington [Jr.?] here. Paid me by Orders and Money £23-2/. Mrs. Maynard visits.
November 19, 1782
1782 November 19 (Tuesday). Ebenezer to N. Braintree. Alexander to Framingham. Mr. Brigham to Boston — much more Comfortable. To God be Praise and Glory!
November 20, 1782
1782 November 20 (Wednesday). A.M. Mr. P. Whitney here. Mr. Andrews, Treasurer, here and pays me £3.0. Alexander did not return as expected. Had a more Comfortable Day. First Snow.
November 21, 1782
1782 November 21 (Thursday). [Parkman’s hand resumes.] Alexander after considerable Excursions about his Difficult Affairs, returns and lodges here. At Eve Ensign Aaron Warrin made me a Visit; and very amicable. N.B. I have had (through divine Goodness) several very good and quiet nights, without getting up at all, but once in each, to drink. A great alteration with me indeed. Mr. Brigham returned home.
November 22, 1782
1782 November 22 (Friday). Elias goes to live at Dr. Stimpsons. Alexander also leaves us to go home again, after long Absence. P.M. Dr. Gott here. N.B. He designs to go to Cohoss. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard again visits and not empty.
November 23, 1782
1782 November 23 (Saturday). Another comfortable night. D.G. Lt. Warren a long Visit. Mrs. P________ came up Chamber, and dined together. Mr. Asa Piper from Acton, at Night.
November 24, 1782
1782 November 24 (Sunday). Mr. Piper preached a.m. on Prov. 3.5. He dined here. Cousin Maynard also. P.M. on Luk. 13.2.3. This latter he repeated at Eve. Which may God bless! I had but a faint, weak Day of it. May the Lord shew Mercy, for Christ’s sake. N.B. am informed of the [Death?] of Rev. Daniel Rogers of Littleton on the 21.
November 25, 1782
1782 November 25 (Monday). Mr. Piper is with us till Evening and, then he goes to board at Lt. Levi Warrin’s. Dr. Stimpson visited us — he is generous in his Offers respecting his Visits and Assistance here.
November 26, 1782
1782 November 26 (Tuesday). Through the Goodness of God I am still alive; and yet am somewhat Strangely exercised with pain in my Right great Toe; which makes me go very lame. At eve came from Concord my Son William who tarrys with us.
November 27, 1782
1782 November 27 (Wednesday). Having had a good Night, I was favoured with an agreeable Day. B. be God for it! After Dinner William and his Daughter Suse left us for Concord.
November 28, 1782
1782 November 28 (Thursday). Thanksgiving. I would bless God with my whole Heart for the Sparing Mercy of God though I am under divine Frowns and confined.
November 29, 1782
1782 November 29 (Friday). Mr. Piper preached on Ps. 101.1. May God grant Success! I am somewhat better. My Foot Easier. D.G. Mr. Piper dines with us. P.M. Deacon Wood and his Wife and other Friends. Jonathan Forb. pays me some money he had borrowed and took up his Note.
November 30, 1782
1782 November 30 (Saturday). A sad Report that the Indian, Sam John is found Dead on Turkey Hill. [Illegible.]