July 3, 1782

1782 July 3 (Wednesday).  My Son Ebenezer having tarried thus long with us, he took his Journey to Providence.  I rode with him beyond this Town.  I committed to his Care 3 Pamphlets which I borrowed of Rev. Mr. Willard of Mendon.  In returning home, called at several Houses.  I dined at Mr. Elisha Forbes, visited at Capt. Morse’s.  Old Mrs. Dolly Rice made us a kind Visit, beyond my Expectation.

July 7, 1782

1782 July 7 (Sunday).  Mr. Sumner to Westborough.  I preached at Shrewsbury a. [and p.m.?] on Luk. 16.31.  N.B. We sung four times, and without [blot] Reading by Deacons.  May God graciously accept and bless [?].  I went at Eve to Sister Cushings and lodged there.  N.B. Mr. Sumners Texts Mat. 6.1, 1 John. 1.5.

July 8, 1782

1782 July 8 (Monday).  I returned home safely, and found all in Usual Comfort.  D.G.  N.B. Mr. Brigham returned from Boston on the 6th at night.  And my Son Ebenezer returned from Providence the Same Evening.  I read Mr. Gay of Hinghams Sermon at the Instalment of Mr. Ezra Carpenter at Keen and Swanzy, from Zech. 2.1, “I lift up mine Eyes again and looked, and behold, a man with his Measuring Line in His Hand.”  P.M. Mr. P. Whitney and Mrs. Briggs.

July 9, 1782

1782 July 9 (Tuesday).  I went up to Sarah Newton, who is but just living; I asked a few Necessary Questions — to which She gave intelligible Answers.  I left her designing to return again.  But when I came back She had expired — not half after 8 o’Clock a.m.  It was to visit Mrs. Joanna Fay, who has been long confined by Illness.

July 10, 1782

1782 July 10 (Wednesday).  Breck Raises his House.  28 feet Front; 30 feet back.  Mr. Jonathan Batheric and Capt. Fisher were the principal Workmen.  Through the Goodness of God there was no Evil Occurrence.  An hundred and fifteen persons were entertained.  Cousen Maynard was very kind and helpfull.  She came early and stayed here over night.

July 11, 1782

1782 July 11 (Thursday).  Mr. Thomas Lamsons Wife came to work here for Mr. Brigham.  Miss Sarah Newton was buryed.  I attended and prayed.  Had She been permitted to live till Aug. 18, She would have been 17 Years old.  A variety of Company here.  John Cushing of Ashburnham came.  Came to his Grandmother Cushings last night, and here today.

July 14, 1782

1782 July 14 (Sunday).  Because of the Harvest I preached on Joh. 6.35 a.m. and on Occasion of Sarah Newtons Death, p.m. on Ps. 110.3.  And may the Blessing of God accompany and render Effectual!  At Eve Mr. Brigham read the Close of Mr. Flavel’s Fountain of Life, and he prayed.  Have been informed that the Widow Cook has been taken with Bleeding, and last night the Doctor was with her all night.  It is now stanch’d.

July 16, 1782

1782 July 16 (Tuesday).  My Daughter Baldwin came: brought by Miss Nabby Baldwin of Shrewsbury.  Colonel is gone to Cambridge to see his son Isaac who Remains Sick there.  P.M. Mr. Isaac Johnson of Southborough came and requested me to ‘change with Mr. Lyon next Sabbath, and administer the Lords Supper.  Mr. Brigham, p.m. went to Cambridge.  By him I wrote to Mr. Moore; and to Elias.

July 22, 1782

1782 July 22 (Monday).  I returned home in safety.  D.G.  P.M. Mrs. Peakman and Mrs. Blackden, of Marlborough, made us a Visit and [Mrs. Maynard?] waited upon them.  They drank Tea etc.  At Eve they returned. Miss Sarah Fay came to request me to visit a young Child that was very bad at their House, her Brother Thomas’s Infant.  I went — Saw — prayed — but the Ensign was at some Distance off, at his Hay.

July 23, 1782

1782 July 23 (Tuesday).  A Sad Disaster befell one of my Neighbour Harringtons Piggs; which ran under the Cart Wheel as Thatcher was driving in a Load of Hay at the End of the House.  The Pig got up, ran down to the first Elm by the Road, there fell down and dyed.  Mr. Brigham stuck her (it was sow) and she bled.  Mr. Harrington was informed immediately by Mr. Brigham, but he would pay little Regard.

July 24, 1782

1782 July 24 (Wednesday).  I was called to go to Mr. Abraham Beemans to See his son Abraham who lay in a deep Stupor; thought to be a Coma.  I Spoke to him, but there was not any Reply: his Exterior Limbs, Hands and Legs, were Cold.  I prayed, but he was insensible.  I left him, but he dyed soon after I left him.  I went into Lt. Thomas Forbush’s, and to his Grandsons — prayed among them.  N.B. Mrs. Forb. has lost her Sister Larkin by Death.

July 31, 1782

1782 July 31 (Wednesday).  A Number of People to level and Settle the little Bed-room, for although there was a considerable multitude yesterday together to move the Building, and they were till 9 o’Clock at night, yet it was necessary to adjust and join it to the main Frame and secure its Foundation.  I am reading the History of the War Vol. 2, No. 1.